"We're the coolest kids, and we take what we can get"

Nov 07, 2004 23:12

Dear Journal, (haha I feel like Doug)

This weekend was insane. Friday night was Kevin’s party. It was pretty sick. I got totally wasted. Alex hooked up with this foreign exchange student haha, some hairy chick from France. SO we got kicked out at like 12 and me, Alex, Yegor, and Jaclyn got in a car with some kid named Raffi. We were going to this fire pit thing, idk I was way too done to realize what was going on. We made it to the 7-11 in Monsey and then there were these cops there just looking to bust people. So he pulled us over and Raffi was done. He got arrested for DUI and then we were stuck there. The cop asked me if I had my license and I responded “nah I have my permit, so if u sit in the passenger seat I can technically drive us all home.” He didn’t think it was too funny. So he called a cab to pick us up at 7-11 and we got it like 45 minutes later. Then I went home and got some sleep. Sick night. Two times being pulled over in 3 weeks.

Then Saturday Alex and me went to the city to chill with people from camp. It was awesome. We were there with Alex, Dani, Ben, Alan, Sami, and Becky. Oh man I miss CLC hardcore. We chilled and I really had the urge to get something pierced but I didn’t. Alex didn’t get caught in the city this time!!!! Then we went home and my Madre and Leo picked us up from the train. We picked up Dani on the way home and she came over and chilled for a while. Then Shaun came over with alcohol. I love this kid; he always gets me fucked up. We had a sick night of drinking, taking pointless taxi rides, and breaking into basements, just like the old days. That night I didn’t get to sleep until like 4am.

Today I slept until like 11.30 or 12. I woke up and Alex and me walked around. We got the key to his house and opened it up, so now his house is ALL ours, mwahahaha!!!! Then we went to Nyack with Kimm and Dani. We saw everyone from Nanuet, which was cool I guess. It’s weird knowing I used to chill with these people all the time and now when I see then they don’t even look like they want to know me anymore. Whatever, Dani and me chilled on the pier for a while. It was romantic ;-) haha. Then we took a taxi back to her house and Igor met us there. Me and him played for a while and he’s pretty good at bass. So now we got our whole band: Adam, Josh, Igor, and me. We also got the list of songs were gonna play… but that’s a secret so thththththth.

And now I’m sitting at home, bored, almost ready to go to sleep.

I love you :-)

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