I don't believe in anything but I believe in you, I never trusted anyone but somehow I trust you...

Oct 21, 2004 19:41

[First Name]: Adam
[Middle Name]: Justin
[Nick Name(s)]: None haha
[Birthdate]: 7-3-88
[Hometown]: Monsey - Land of the Jews!
[Grade (If still in school)]: Junior..

Have You Ever:
[Talked to yourself]: only when I'm alone
[Wished you were someone else]: nahh, I like being me
[Been stood up]: I don't think so...
[Sang on stage]: Yup .. haha champion sucks
[Been so drunk/high you couldn't hold back thoughts]: Just ask Alex haha
[Gone to another country]: Uhh, I guess Canada IS another country
[Lived in another country]: Nope
[Talked on the phone for more than 3 hours]: Yea
[Went skydiving]: Nope
[Went snowboarding]: Skiing? I'm a loser
[Seen a ghost]: I don't think I've seen one, but I thought one was in the room
[Beat someone up]: Not really...
[Been beaten up]: Nope
[Lied to a cop]: ::cough:: DICK ::cough::

When Was the Last Time You:
[Drank milk]: This morning?
[Went to McDonald's]: like 3 weeks ago
[Kissed someone]: Yesterday :-)
[Went to the movies]: I think I saw Lord of the Rings.
[Were in love]: Im pretty sure...
[Went to a party]: Uhh two weeks ago..
[Dreamt]: Last night

This or That:
[Day or night]: NIGHT!
[Dark or light]: Dark
[Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt]: Uh, riight
[Pizza or Ice Cream]: pizza
[Sex or cuddling]: Is this a trick question? Prolly cuddling... shut up
[Pen or pencil]: Pencil
[Cats or dogs]: dogs
[Weed or alcohol]: Haha, alchohol!
[Sex & the City or Will & Grace]: Again, uh, right...
[City or country]: Uhh, NYC
[Rain or shine]: Shine
[Summer or Winter]: SuMmEr
[Spring or Autumn]: Spring, school is almost over

Do You:
[Smoke]: Smoke what?
[Drink]: Yes
[Eat babies]:All the time
[Drive]: Permit?
[Work]: Nope haha
[Play sports]: Yeppp
[Have tattoos]: Not yet
[Piercings]: Yeaa haha
[Go to school]: yea
[Go to church]: I'm a joo
[Pray]: Not usually
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