Feb 12, 2009 08:04
Oh, man. Go economy. I'm noticing a significant lack of ads when I come to work compared to normal. Usually its 'HERE DO THESE 50,000 ADS AND HERES SOME SPECS FOR GOOD MEASURE' but I have ads that aren't even due today that I'm working on...
I haven't heard anything about layoffs here but I can't help but be worried, seeing as how I'm still bottom of the barrel for employees because I'm a 'casual part-timer' because of my ridiculous school schedule that is pretty much as flexible as kryptonite. /endhyperventilate.
Ahh, well in other news, definitely having a movie night with Les tonight. It's weird that she's working all these nights and i'm not seeing her at ALLLL. We're watching an old Stephen King movie that i pretty much love with all my heart and probably always will called The Langoliers haha. But she hasn't seen it, so she's in for an old-school, cheesy treat.
Last night definitely had a wings night with Kirsten, Steph and my brother. Okay okayokayokayokay, so our freaking waitress was definitely wearing the most hideous mini-skirt I've ever seen in my life and mostly ignored our table all night, coming by only a couple of times to see if we needed anything. We decided during these large lapses in time where she wasn't serving any tables (read: US and the 3 other tables IN there) she was definitely getting boinked in the backroom somewhere because its the only logical solution we could come up with to explain why, with this huge lack of tables, she could be gone so long.
So we're ready to leave right? This is after Kirsten had 3 Long Island iced teas and decided because they wouldn't let us package up our wings, she would instead go to Mac's to buy a container to smuggle them into (read: A box of microwave popcorn) to take them home with. She'd try and do it so stealthily but would really only end up bursting out laughing as she shoves each wing into her purse like some crazy person. For this bit, I'm really glad our waitress WAS ignoring us so she didn't spot my lunatic friend shoving various flavored chicken wings into her purse. So we're waiting for her to come back and give us our bill... waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting and Steph was like 'Kay lets just leave some freaking money on the table and go' and Kirsten's like 'WAITWAIT.' and she first empties half of the Salt and Pepper shakers into our mostly empty glasses and shoves those in her purse too. I was like 'Oh Christ we need to leave NOW' but just then our waitress came by and I was like 'We really need to leave. Can we please have our bill like yesterday?' and she's like Oh Yeah and go gets it and we end up tipping her 1 cent. oh BURN. Anyway yeah so that's my exciting outing yesterday.
I have a busy few days! Tonight with Les + sleepover. Tomorrow Tali and I are having some epic gaming. Saturday is date <3333. Yayy. So excited. I love time off haha.