Regular weekend.

Jun 03, 2018 16:42

*At work we decided that 4 day weeks with the Monday off for some reason always take forever. 4 day weeks with the Friday off are great. No idea why.

*No lesson Tuesday. K was off with her teacher friends decompressing at the lake. I rode anyway because I knew I wasn't going to ride Friday (predicted to be ~105ish).

*Thursday was my last EfM. :( We ate out at a local tex-mex place that had adult beverages. Yeah, I have no idea what my dinner tasted like. lol Would have been nicer if it had been a little more quiet, but it was great.
I socialized. yay me! lol
And then D asked me to sub for his wife with visiting on the 10th with him. I said yes, of course. Then immediately started worrying about what we'd talk about at lunch before we went. /dork. But, I made a plan for topics, so I'm good now.
Of course, now it turns out they may have to swap with someone else anyway, so whatever.

*Friday rode my bike indoors.

*Saturday rode Zolar at a walk. Did circles, shoulder in, and leg yield. Made sure as best I could to keep my elbows at my sides. T Rex arms is hard ya'll!!

*Today wore my nicely hemmed red robes. Thanks P. Could walk up stairs without even holding it up. oooohhh.....

*Also managed to mow the lawn today. Have been putting it off because it makes me tired, and I prefer to ride.

*Riding Rex tonight. Still don't know where the lollipop pad is, so western saddle again.

*Not much else to say, I think.

exercise, efm, choir, church, riding, random

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