June, second week-ish

Jun 10, 2018 21:33

*I finally got a heating source for the side of my ribs. Apparently I should listen to my own advice when I tell people advil/aleve AND moist heat. I didn't want an electric heating pad I got the disposable ones-that was the best they had at my Target.
Used it last night, and felt so much better today. Still tender, but not nearly as bad. yay!

*We had our last Wed choir for the summer last week. Still singing on Sunday through the end of June, but free otherwise!! And Thursdays too! Whatever will I do? lol

*Was going to ride Rex Thursday, but rode my bike instead. Poor ignored Rex. ;)

*Friday I worked on circles with Zolar, keeping my chest up, shoulders down, and twisting appropriate to the size of circle.

*Saturday took the poles out of the arena, and worked on some test moves, and trot extensions. If I remember to keep his person under him it seems to work better for the extensions.

*Funny enough, had a bad dream about dressage tests and not remembering them. lol

*Saturday I also put together the giant metal crate for the dogs. I got two, but OMG, it's huge! I read the dimensions, but didn't quite realize it would be so big. Both can fit in there! They'd better, because only one fits in the space I have on the patio. BTW, it weighs, like, a billion pounds. Or something.

*Tonight I worked Tess. It was her first big blowup while driving, and it was a doozy. Really glad there was no actual cart. Part of it was me getting overly upset at her being a dork. It started out with her not wanting the bridle, and she pulled back. Then when we got outside she did some of her old moves from when we first started training, so I know some/most of it was her having a fit. I do need to remember that she is a mare and not a gelding, and also not to pick a fight.
This is why parents have someone else teach their kids to drive. Just trauma all around.
Still contemplating sending her out for proper cart training. Will have to see how the rest of the summer goes with everything else.

*Next weekend I was supposed to be on call, but someone wanted to swap with me with the weekend after. So K and I will be going to the schooling show in Lubbock instead. She's going to ride one of her horses, which will be fun. Wonder who's rig we're going to take.
Only signed up for two tests this time to get ready for the rated shows later.

exercise, dressage, medical, horses, choir

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