Memorial Day Weekend

May 27, 2018 21:36

*I just saw this commercial for Kleenex wet wipes. It sounds like a good product. However, it starts with a chick kick boxing for an hour, then just using a wet wipe on her neck before going to work in an office. She proceeds to do more active stuff after that, but OMG, a wet wipe is not the same thing as a freaking shower! Gross.

*Someone hit my car in the grocery parking lot today. I was in the car at the time, and I think it made my neck a little more sore than usual. Joy. She wasn't paying attention, but with a parking lot who knows how it'll go with the insurance. I'm just going to have USAA fix mine and let them deal with the other people.

*Went to Joanne's after that. P is going to hem my choir robe for me (our new red ones are a bit long) and needed matched-ish thread. As usual, there was a dearth of workers, so I had to wait for a while to get my number called at the fabric cutting area to ask about polyester vs cotton in a polyester fabric (P had said cotton, but didn't know the fabric was polyester). The little girl did help me match as well as we could, though, so that was nice.
Also, couldn't find the padding I wanted, so I got cotton batting instead. It's going to be the center for the helmet padding/sweat pad for riding that I'm going to make/have someone sew. :D

*No lesson last Tuesday, so I rode my bike instead. I wanted to give my saddle sore time to heal. Ish. lol

*Thursday was our last 'real' day of EfM. Kind of bittersweet. Cool that I had made it through, but sad that I won't be hanging out with them each night anymore. I know I can always redo it, but won't anytime soon. This week we're going to a restaurant with adult beverages just to hang.

*Friday rode Zolar at a walk, trying to pay attention to how I needed to move. Which was fun because we were out in the pasture, and he wanted to know why we were working. lol Then the mosquitos attacked, and we bailed.

*Saturday did walk and trot. Still trying to do ALL THE But I got him to keep his head at a reasonable level while trotting for a long period of time. wohoo!

*Today was/is fairly windy with some occasional threatening of rain or thunder. I still grabbed Tess-she trotted up to me in the field!-and worked with her. Did maybe 30 minutes of ground driving. She tried to not pay attention a few times, and sorta spooked a few times, but was very good. I even stepped on some twigs, and kicked a rock, but it didn't bother her.
Next step may be having someone pull the wheelbarrow behind us. :)

*Tomorrow may be like last Monday-nothing is done! But I do need to get out, so maybe I'll eat lunch in town.

exercise, dressage, horses, whine, riding, random

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