Yay, a post!

Sep 19, 2016 21:41

So, there are things. Good and bad. Maybe I should alternate.

*I still have a shitload of shark movies on my DVR from SyFy Shark Week.

*Going to lose some because of space-really need to catch up on The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. But also because I recorded Alien and Aliens. *waggles eyebrows*

*I recently found out that one of the channels I have is playing Ash vs the Evil Dead. Cool. (for 'free')

*My OCD has been bad lately. Mostly tics. Facial tics and some finger ones. We often mark it by how hard it is to read-to start sentences-and it's not yet. But tonight I had a big problem with self doubt/unhappiness before riding. Not sure why it's worse. We increased my medicine back over 6 months ago. I think I need to learn to chill more.

*My trainer helped me work with Zolar last week to fix the problem we've been having with the free walk and stretchy-chewy trot circle. It took a lot of driving from the seat on my part, as well as encouraging legs on occasion, as well as some way overbending (just in bits), but he seemed to finally get it and go with it. Tonight I tried it on long diagonals, and he had it for the most part. (Good enough? not sure. Will let trainer decide.)

*Tonight I got frustrated with his head jerking reaction with spray bottles, and since I had finally filled the extra one with water, I decided to work on it. Yeah, not a great idea. I sprayed it over, on, and under his head for about 3-4 minutes. He did a lot of head flinging, and looking like an arab whos eyes had been oiled. Then he seemed to give up, and tucked his head into the crook of my neck for a few minutes. :( Oh man, made me feel like shit. Poor little horsie. And I didn't have the endostick handy to help him calm down while I was spraying. Need to not be lazy next time and get it from the arena.

*Sunday was nuts activity wise. And butt wise. Had choir in church for 2 hours (wood chairs). In church I read and did the chalice. Then it was my team's turn to take communion to people unable to come to church, which was good. Then I rode two horses. Two. Second time ever, but I had enough energy to work Tess well even though she was second. This was about 1.5 hours in the saddle. Lastly I went back to church for an organ concert. Two hours on a wooden pew.

Oh.My.God my ass hurts. For real. Still. I wonder if I only ride twice once a week if my butt will stay ouchie, or get used to it.

*I get the most inappropriate crushes on people. I was wondering about it earlier today and thought maybe I am a little lonely at times. Although generally I adore living on my own on my farm (although sometimes the siamese cats are assholes and I want to strangle them +-use them for rugs). Was going to say who it was, but not I find myself reluctant, even though you all have no idea who they are. But it's mostly people who are competent, somewhat detail oriented, friendly (but not overly so), and older than me, and who care about others.
I can't use match.com because I encountered parents of my patients on there-not good. Was on eHarmony a few years ago, and there were maybe 2 people from anywhere near me. Joy.

*My choir director at church kind of suddenly retired. Shocked the heck out of me-had no idea.
The interim guy is one we've had before as a sub. I thought he was okay, but after having one regular practice, I was impressed by how he worked with us. Our previous one was more organist than choir, which was fine (and we loved her), but this guy has obviously had training in choir direction and etc also. He's been making us actually work! lol

*Ack! Was going to go to bed early, but too late now. Tomorrow we (my nurses and I) go to the fair for lunch-foot long corn dogs, vats of coke, and curly fries!!! Then I have a riding lesson. *snort* Wish me luck.

tv, medical, horses, cats, choir, animals, work, church, random, movies, ocd

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