Lost I Miss Ye: Ultimate Pairings Edition

Jul 26, 2007 11:49

Here are 14 random pairings I miss from Lost.

1. Sawyer/Kate/Cage

2. Jack/Kate/Heroic Feat

3. Jack/Juliet/Romance

4. Sun/Jin/Modern Attitudes

5. Sawyer/Jack/Balls

6. Juliet/Sawyer/Smartassery

7. Claire/Charlie/Blondeness

8. Danielle/Ben/Elbows

9. Jack/Drugs/Beards

10. Sayid/His Own Sense of Pwnacity/Bondage

11. Desmond/Liquor/Beardage

12. Sawyer/Desmond/fresh grave

13. Patchy/Grenade/Scuba gear

14. Jack/Aviators/Jean Jacket/Nirvana

P.S. JK ROWLING ANSWERS QUESTIONS ABOUT THE EPILOGUE, including what our favorite people are up to now &hearts &hearts &hearts

lost i miss ye, dh, lost, picspam, jkr, hp

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