This book is so awesome!

Jul 25, 2007 19:40

Hours it Took You to Finish DH: About 12.


Former Favorite HP Book: Goblet of Fire

Canon (or Not Disproved) Ships You Supported: Ron & Hermione

Number of DH Theories You Had: Lots.

Describe Your Best/Favorite Theory: That Harry would somehow crossover into being dead, only be sent back by someone like Dumbledore or Sirius because he had given his life to protect everyone else. I WIN.

What Time Did You Get it at?: About 1:00 am on Friday night!


What you did/thought about…

The Seven Potters: I couldn't help but think how odd it must be for Hermione and Tonks to have penises LOL. I also thought it was a genius idea, and the ensuing fight/chase/crash was amazing and I looked like this while reading it:


Regulus: Pretty much everything about Regulus was stuff I had already guessed before reading the book.

Ron Leaving: I wasn't surprised that he left, and I was actually glad that he did because it made Hermione pine for him, which made me v. happy &hearts Not to mention him coming back is one of my favorite scenes ever.

Godric's Hollow: I just thought JKR totally nailed this entire chapter. The grave, the snow, the sadness, and then the absolute fucking creepiness of that old house, with the snake attack and everything. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps. Ugh.

The Deathly Hallows: I'm confused, like most of you. I'll get it upon the reread, which I've already started. All I really know is that Draco's wand was unbeatable, so the only way Harry survived that final duel was because he had the super special wand.

Breaking into Gringotts: It was...good. I hated Griphook and all the goblins, and this was in the middle of the book where I was just like OMG I HAVE SO MUCH LEFT that it was okay.

Aberforth and Ariana: Aberforth is good for lolz, although upon the first readthrough I didn't find myself caring about any of the Dumbledore's backstory, honestly. I wanted to get to the good stuff.

Snape Being Good: I always knew he was good, but he still proved me right by being a gigantic dickhead lol.

Harry Being a Horcrux: I thought that he was since before I even finished reading HBP, and I'm SO glad he was really one. When I read those lines I actually jumped off my couch and I was like YESSSSSSSSSS IN YOUR FACES!!ds;lkjflaksdfjlk;sd

King's Cross: By this point I was so desparate to know the end that I was like OMG DUMBLEDORE SHUT UP ALREADY. But I'm sure when I reread I'll enjoy it all much more. It was a sad chapter and yet ultimately full of joy. AW HARRY. I also loved the writhing piece of Voldemort's soul hanging out on the floor.

The Epilogue: I didn't hate it as much as many people did, but I'd still love to know what they all chose as careers and found out about Luna and George.


New Favorite HP Book: DH is tied for first with GoF.

Canon Ships You Now Support: RON AND HERMIONE FTMFW. lkdsjflksdjflks I also like Ginny and Harry more now, but I never really cared much about them.

Number of Your Theories That Came True (or Sort of Did): I was right about Snape being good and that he sacrificed himself for Harry, and that he was in love with Lily, about Harry being a horcrux, about him coming back from the brink of death and being sent back by one of his dearly departed, I was right that they didn't return to school, that Snape, Moody and Pettigrew would die, that Aberforth would be an integral part of the book, as well as Lily playing a huge part in the plot, and that Petunia wouldn't be doing magic.

Overall Impression of DH: I fucking. Loved. It. A lot. More than I could have ever hoped for.

Favorite Part: Ron and Hermione moments, Harry walking into the Dark Forest to meet his doom, the part at Bathilda Bagshot's, Ron returning, NEVILLE FUCKING LONGBOTTOM, Dobby saving everyone from the Malfoy mansion, and the entire battle at Hogwarts, especially Percy coming back and when they try to make people leave and they all stand up from the different house tables ;lskdjflksjdl;kf

Least Favorite Part: I think...Gringott's. And seeing Umbridge being a horrible bitch at the Ministry. Lupin attempting to fake out on Tonks.

Saddest Part: FRED omg. Just seriously tore my heart in pieces. And Harry walking with all the ghosts into the forest.

Coolest Part: The entire end LOL. Like the last 100 pages. Also Neville being all Che Guevara. And I cannot forget "The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

Best Completely Unexpected Part: MOLLY WEASLEY PWNING BELLATRIX. Dudley. Percy coming back. Potterwatch. Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm a Witch.

Best New Character: I'm saying Neville because pre-DH Neville does not equal DH Neville LOL. Also loved Xeno Lovegood.

Saddest Character Death: FRED ;____________________________________________;

Best Magic/Magical Item: The circumstances around Snape's death, with Nagini in that weird floating aquarium were cool. I also liked all the Polyjuice potioning and all the apparition.

I'm going to go watch more Buffy now. I'm two episodes into the second season. Me likes. Still think Giles > All. And on occassion Angel makes me swoon. Although it's funny, David Boreanaz's dad is our local weatherman Dave Roberts and it's funny to be like MMM WEATHERMAN'S HOT VAMPIRE SON.

dh, buffy, hp, meme

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