Inglourious Basterds Picspam - Chapter Three

Dec 27, 2009 17:37

Zip folder (uploaded at Megaupload, 249.35MB, features the full-sized, unaltered caps, both those used in the picspam and others that have been left out.)

Jeebus, I love that cinema. In other news, hey, it's Shosanna. She didn't get attacked by wild midgets or anything after the events of chapter one. Good for her.

I may as well make it known here that I'm not the biggest fan of the character of Fredrick Zoller. The additional scenes in the screenplay endeared me to both him, as well as the concept of Shosanna/Fredrick, somewhat, but I'm still not a fan. Therefore, I'm always a little happy during moments like these, when he introduces himself to who he thinks is Emmanuelle Mimieux, and the only reply he gets is a blank stare. I'm easily amused.

Yeah, I'd probably have a similar reaction to Shosanna if I was sitting there, enjoying a book, a cigarette, and a glass of wine, only to be interrupted by Zoller. If it was just Daniel Brühl, on the other hand...

*flails* Love In Thoughts reunion, take one. (The chick plays Elli in that film).

Also, I do have a soft spot for the Nazi fanboy. He's so overly enthusiatic about meeting Zoller that you can't help but laugh.

These pictures have been posted for the sole reason that Mélanie Laurent is so very pretty, and that I would hit her harder than the fist of an angry God. Just so you know. And speaking of which (the hitting something with that sort of strength, not the God part)...


Would just look at that bad-arse major creeper, with his leather trench coat, and his boots, and his manservant Hermann no. 2, and his generally awesome Major Creeper-ness? ♥♥♥ It feels wrong to say that I have a favourite Nazi, but I do, and Hellstrom is that Nazi.

Also, just because he could say it to me anytime:

Hellstrom (in German): Get your ass in that car.
Me: *sighs*

Oh yeah, he definitely taps that, er, small of her back...

...twice. (If you can't tell, I kind of ship it. I mean, just look at them. I want them to shag each other senseless, and I want to join in.)

Frederick (in French): Good, you came. I wasn't sure whether or not you'd accept my invitation?
Shosanna (in French): Invitation?

Heh. Shosanna looking at Fredrick as though he has some sort of mental handicap will never get old.

Eeeee, Günther/Paul (AKA Love in Thoughts reunion, take two). I think the only reason that I one of the few reasons that I don't completely hate Zoller is because of this little scene, and it's only because I ship both August/Daniel and Günther/Paul like it's my job, and that can't help but colour my interpretation of this scene.

This is Joseph Goebbels. And his lady "friend" is his French translator, Francesca Mondina. I like to think that Goebbels' pick up line was along the lines of, "Hey. I'd like to translate your language, baby." (We all know that Goebbels would be the master of the dodgy pick-up line.)

Zoller: And you've met the Major.
Hellstrom: Actually, I didn't introduce myself. Major Dieter Hellstrom of the Gestapo. At your service, mademoiselle. (Yeah, I bet he is).

I will not hear any talk of gratuitous Dieter Hellstrom. There is no such thing as gratuitous Dieter Hellstrom.

Mmm. Dieter in his leather trench coat, his long, delectable fingers wrapped around the long, thin... You know what? I'm going to put a stop to that train of thought right there.

I just thought I should probably say something about the fact that they are discussing changing the location of the premiere of the film about Fredrick Zoller and the reason why he has a Nazi fanboy to Shosanna's cinema. Just so people know that this scene isn't entirely about Hellstrom.

In other news, I really like how the shot in the second cap is framed. Once more, Shosanna is at the heart of the shot.

Hellstrom: Duly noted.

As the great philosophers of our time say, om nom nom.

Shosanna clearly appreciates the smoking porn as much as I do.

Is there a point to this scene (apart from Goebbels/Zoller being totally canon)? I'm not sure, I keep getting distracted by Hellstrom molesting thie cigarette with his fingers in the foreground.


In other news, hey, it's Landa. Standing right next to the girl whose family he had massacred four years ago. Fun times.

Also, it is so sad that this is the only real Landa/Hellstrom interaction that we get for the entire movie. Sure, Dieter is erect (on his feet, I mean. Get your mind out of the gutter. ;P) as soon as Landa enters the room, and it's hilarious, but I would have loved more.

And once again, Landa is a pervy old basterd, but I love him for it.

I have watched Landa molesting Shosanna's shoulder far too many times. (If shipping Hellstrom/Shosanna is wrong, I don't even want to think about what shipping Landa/Shosanna is.)

Unlike the Hellstrom spam from earlier, I am more willing to admit that this is gratuitous smoking porn. Still doesn't make it any less hot though.

Landa: Attendez la creme.

Best. Line. Ever. And it's all due to the delivery, which is one of many reasons why Christoph Waltz needs to win every award in the history of existence for his portrayal of Landa. His delivery of Tarantino's dialogue is just pure poetry.

Landa: I did have something else I wanted to ask you.
*long, dramatic pause*
Landa: Shag me now, or shag me later? But right now, for the life of me, I can't remember what it is. Oh well, must not have been important.

Mélanie Laurent breaks my heart in this scene. I just want to hug the poor dear. (which is why I really shouldn't ship Shosanna/Landa, but I digress.)

Have I mentioned how much I love the cinema set? It's just divine. Goebbels needs to keep his hands off of it, because it looks gorgeous just as it is.

Hey, Marcel. You sexy Frenchman, you. *waves*

Ah, Shosanna, the little pyromaniac. A woman after my own heart.

Hmm, I like her moles.

In other news... yeah, I've got nothing. There is no reason for these caps, other than the fact that they are absurdly pretty.

Shosanna: Because Marcel, my sweet, we're going to make a film. Just for the Nazis.

Now, I adore the film that Shosanna and Marcel do end up making. In fact, its "premiere" is hands down my favourite scene in this movie. Having said that, if that film just happened to feature a little more porn, you wouldn't hear me complaining.

picspam, inglourious basterds

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