This post is brought to you by the letter R...

May 04, 2009 14:04

... for random, in conjunction with B for boredom, a subsidiary of the I for ignore group.

Sometimes, I get shots of a potential fic in my head. Not scenes, which would be more useful for the process of creating an actual fic, but single freeze-frame shots that are almost completely useless for ficcing purposes. Last night such an incident occurred, and considering the fact that I already have a backlog of fic that I should write as well as the fact that I couldn't really be bothered writing at the time, I decided to draw it. This attempt at drawing reminded me of one thing: that I can not draw to save my life. There is absolutely no shading to speak of, and the expression on the Master's face looks less like he is stalking Donna down a deserted alleyway, and more like he has caught a whiff of something really foul-smelling.

Also, someone needs to talk me out of writing a Fight Club-inspired Life on Mars fic (or, for that matter, a Narrator/Tyler Durdin quasi-masturbation fic *facepalm*). As I mentioned beforehand, the number of fic ideas I have rattling around in my brain at the moment is ridiculous.

Finally, SBS are showing a repeat of the Top Gear Botswana special tonight. Oh, Hammond/Oliver, it has been too long since I basked in your warm, glowing, warming glow.

Can you tell that I'm bored? I should add some links to at least make this post somewhat interesting, but I can't think of any interesting ones. I need a meme or something.

random, top gear, doctor who, fight club

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