Skads' SPN Rec List.

Aug 10, 2009 01:54

He wondered whether home was a thing that happened to a place after awhile, or if it was something that you found in the end, if you simply walked and waited and willed it long enough.
--American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Posted: 08/09/08
Last Updated: 09/14/09

(Arranged in rough chronological order.)

Seven by july_july_july
Characters: John, wee!Dean, wee!Sam
Summary: Let's just face it. Baby Winchesters are fricking adorable.

“Where are Dean?”

“Where is Dean.”


little rattle stilt by Hope
Characters: Wee!Sam
Summary: One bruise too many has its consequences.

“I was just playing,” Sammy says haltingly. “And I fell. I didn’t mean to.” He dips his head further. He can’t look at them; if they see him, they’ll know. They’ll know he’s lying. He just wants to go home. “I didn’t mean to.”

Improperly Socialized by ficwriter1966
Characters: Teen!chesters.
Summary: Dean gets dragged into a birthday party that Sammy's been invited to, to the younger Winchester's utter horror.

“Just shut up. We look stupid standing here. And…this’ll work. This whole party thing. I’ll be James Freakin’ Bond if you want me to. Plus” - Dean nodded at the brightly wrapped package Sam was holding - “I can help you eat your twenty-four bucks’ worth of food.”

How I Will Change the World by pheebs
Characters: Dean
Summary: One tenacious English teacher, lots of dententions, and the essay from hell.

I have to write at least two paragraphs before I can leave detention. The world is round. I like to drive. Detention lasts too long. Sam Winchester smells.

Miss Kerning, I think this counts as fulfilling the request?

"But I Never Could Sharpen No Blade, Quite the Way He Say" by Onelittlesleep
Characters: Teen!chesters.
Summary: Road trip with the teen!chesters.

“Shh. Sammy, north or south?” He asked, quietly.

Sam looked around, eyes bleary from the tollbooth light’s behind them.

“Don’t wake up.” Dean said gently.

Sam took it like an order and fell back into the seat, head on the window again.

“North or south?” He asked again.

Sam murmured, nasally, as he took a deep, dreamy breath. “South.”

History of the Peloponnesian War by Sevenfists
Characters: Sam, Dean.
Summary: Stanford!fic, in which Sam contemplates books and normalcy.

He walks out onto the quad near his dorm, that first afternoon, and watches his classmates tossing frisbees around, their polo shirts crisp and brightly-colored, their teeth even and white. Sam tongues at his crooked lower canine. He's never felt more out of place in his life.

A Boy and His Car by Elaeazeph
Characters: Dean.
Summary: It's more than shiny curves - it's a car. A boy and his car. (Sheer. Dean. Awesomeness.)

When he realizes what he's doing, he climbs into his car and drives until he can't keep his eyes open, and when he wakes up in a double-room in a grungy motel on the side of the freeway, he leaves without collecting his deposit and keeps driving until he reaches the Pacific Ocean. (Oregon. Not California. Never California.)

He stands at the edge of the ocean and looks out into the distance where the sky meets the water, and just… and just…

First Hour by merryish
Characters: Dean, Sam.
Summary: A happier approach to the Stanford years.

Sam finds the t-shirt the first hour of his first day in the dorm. It's at the bottom of his duffel, long past white, a streak of motor oil slashing across the front from neck to shoulder. It's Winchester-clean, which is anybody else's dirty; washed sometime in the past month or so and stashed at the bottom of a bag in the back of the trunk.

Wouldn't Want to Live There by ignipes
Characters: Sam, Dean.
Summary: The definitions of Sam Winchester.

Ordinary is a flirtatious diner waitress and hot coffee and hoping the credit card goes through this time. Business as usual is badly-folded maps and sharp knives and well-cleaned guns. Grief is lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to remember the way she laughed, the way she tasted, the way she smiled in her sleep. Anger is a wordless message, an untraceable number, a caller unknown.

His Exceptions to the Rule by pdragon76
Characters: Sam, Dean.
Summary: The laws of John Winchester. (Warning: graphic injury.)

Unless the situation gets unmanageable.

expiration date by bstearns
Characters: Dean, Sam.
Summary: Fun with live burial and eau de corpse.

“Oh, fuck!” Sam shouted. “Dean, not the whole thing!”

Dean clapped a hand over his mouth and nose. It wasn’t like the damn thing had come with instructions, and he figured the more, the better.

But, oh, man.

Periphery by Hiyacynth
Characters: Dean, Sam, various cast.
Summary: AU, following the thread of What Is and What Should Never Be. Sam living out that normalcy he wanted so badly.

Sam moves his arm, sleepwalking it up until he's caught his father's hand in his own. "Don't go, Dad," he whispers, struggling to stay at exactly this level of sleep, where he can make the dream go on forever. "I'll be good. I won't fight anymore, I promise. Stay."

Dream-Dad's voice is rusty, just how Sam remembers. "I'm not going anywhere, kiddo. Go back to sleep."

One Shot by trolllogicfics
Characters: Metallicar and various others.
Summary: A young mom adjusts to a used car with more than a few quirks.

It’s pretty hard to miss the weirdness when you get into your car, adjust the rearview mirror and catch sight of a body in the back. But when you turn around to look at the back seat, there’s no one there.

Jumping at Shadows by tbrook
Characters: Dean, Sam.
Summary: A hunt leads Sam into a less than healthy mental state.

--staring out at a yellow sky, clothes flapping on a wash-line, one dark dress dancing. He couldn’t breathe and when Dean touched him (a shadow in the doorway, just the glint of his belt buckle), before--

The touch made him break, somehow. Dizzy. Sagging. Airless.

Methodology by minkmix
Characters: Sam, Dean, Gordon Walker
Summary: Gordon finally gets a hold of Sam, and the timing couldn't be worse - particularly when even Sam can't explain what's happening anymore.

The man behind the wheel sighed as they slowed for a red light that stopped just before the exit ramp that would lead them out onto the freeway. He could almost hear his brother’s voice right in his ear calling him ten kinds of fucking stupid.

Sam felt his eyes slip closed and silently agreed.

Plant Your Flag On a Fault Line by tripoli8
Characters: Dean, Sam.
Summary: Intercourse, PA and fake i.d.s. Brothers, and the things that make them brothers.

Sam Holland has a thorough medical file documenting his three STDs, a fungal infection previously found only in sheep, and a string of hospitalizations for botched auto-erotic asphyxiation.

“Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, Sammy,” Dean says sagely.

"What?" Sam’s digging through his duffel for a clean pair of boxers so he can go shower. “Don’t give me a record, assmunch.”

Okay, as far as Blue Cross is concerned, Sam Holland has obnoxiously clean medical records and the insurance to keep it that way, but those aren't nearly as much fun to leave around for Sam to find.

Mockingbird by Hiyacynth
Characters: Dean, Sam, OFC.
Summary: Sam goes a bit awry, and Dean tries to keep them moving.

Sam could go days looking to anyone passing on the street like a basically normal, if withdrawn, human being. Days where Dean could look through the tangled, overgrown hair hanging over his eyes and almost see his little brother in there. And then there were the days when Sam opened his mouth and something God-awful like "a sweet slice of pie" came out, leaving Dean to wonder if there was anything of his brother left inside that Sam-shaped shell.

Hours After a Year by Fryadvocate
Characters: Dean, OFC.
Summary: Dean's life in the hands of the crossroads demon.

"What does it mean?" Dean asked.

"The same thing it always means. Your brother follows."

Bury the Light by elovhee
Characters: Sam.
Summary: A detached and poignant look at the search for Dean's freedom.

For months, he sees his brother in strangers, a flicker in their eyes or on their faces. he thinks sometimes he can feel a hand on the sharpening points of his spine, thinks he can feel the grass shift behind him without wind when he drops off to rest in an empty field. He wakes to the sound of Dean's laugh.

Please, he says aloud into the dark. His voice is worn thin and ghostly. Please.

He doesn't even know what he's asking for.

do nothing for the dead by ladyjaida
Characters: Sam, Dean, Missouri, Bobby.
Summary: Sometimes you can't let family rest that easy.

Ghosts don’t feel things the same way that humans do.

Ghosts can’t feel anything new, but they feel everything from before stronger than when they were alive and feeling it for real, feeling it for the first time.

Knights, Kings and Sparrows by blueiris08
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Uriel.
Summary: Sam argues theology with some servants of the Lord.

“I will strike you dead where you stand, Samuel, before I let you goad one of my brothers into destruction.” The hoarse voice was no louder than ever, but the air trembled with it. “And make no mistake, I do have that authority.”

Batter My Heart by Pandarus
Characters: Castiel.
Summary: Set during the events of The Rapture. Castiel faces the bountiful mercy of the Host.

It's Heaven, so you couldn't call this torture.

It's for his own good, they're very clear on that. It's because God loves him, and because God needs his obedience.

They're saving him.

five birthdays by t-fic
Characters: Dean, Sam.
Summary: A review of some birthdays from the life of one Dean Winchester.

He listened to the messages from his dad and deleted everything else unheard, except for the one from the 650 area code. That one, he just saved. He told himself he was going to listen to it, someday, but then the credit card they were charging the cell phones to hit its limit and the service was terminated.

take that thing you got from praying by tripoli8
Characters: Sam an' Dean.
Summary: A collection of snippets spanning wee!chesters, the series and beyond, and ranging from heart-wrenching to hilarious.

He once overheard a very serious conversation between Ash and Dean that involved the words “laser”, “hood”, and “blast radius”. Also, “dime bag”.

He found Jo and the car keys and went looking for somewhere else to sit. In a different county.

We Scream in Cathedrals by audaciously
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby.
Summary: Post 4x22, things don't go right.

You should have saved your brother, Sammy, he rasps. This never should have happened.

There's a line cut down his chest and invisible hands grab each side and pull the skin until it separates from the bones underneath.

In Excelsis by unoshot
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel.
Summary: Set mid-Season 5. A trilogy of one-shots - daily life during the Apocalypse, from the perspective of Dean, Sam, and Castiel.

"Tell you what. Let's see what's on TV."

Castiel tilts his head to the side, puzzled. He is about to speak, but then Sam mutters blurrily, from the other bed, "Do not show the angel porn."

"Dude, fuck off. What do you think I am?"

"Annoyingly loud at 3am. Cas, don't let him go to pay-per-view."

"There's a Dr. Sexy rerun."

"... porn's great."

Happily Ever After by vaingirlfic
Characters: Sam, Dean, various cast.
Summary: Post-series look at the potential aftermath of a Sam gone bad.

"I dreamed something broke his back. Broke it like a matchstick," Sam whispered, even though he didn't remember dreaming it before the words came out.

"Yeah. There was that," Dean said.

Out of this Darkness by Maygra
Characters: Sam, Dean, various cast.
Summary: AU. It all ends in Chicago. Again. And again. And again. (Warning: post!apocalyptic fic. Violence, both sexual and physical. Very dark.)

So, if I can't break it, let's make a deal. Renegotiate the contract.

I do like a good negotiation. What's he worth to you?

When Siblings e-Attack by b stearns
Characters: Dean and Sam.
Summary: The real reason they didn't talk for the latter half of the Stanford years.

Imp67: is this sam
Imp67: sam winchester who is soooooo hot

Death and Taxes by Bella Temple
Characters: Sam, Dean, OLZ (Original Lawyer Zombies)
Summary: Years of tax evasion finally catch up to the brothers Winchester. One special, special courtroom case ensues.

Dean Winchester has never filed a tax return. When asked what his occupation was, he responded "freelance badass". He declined to offer any indication of his yearly income.

Death and Taxes II: Tax Accountant Bungaloo by Bella Temple
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Summary: Dean needs a little heavenly intervention when the Braaaains Tax kicks in again.

Please reconsider your ruling based on the above facts.


Eleventh Order, Fourth Choir
(Slightly-Less-Mysterious Ways Division)

Drunken Sam-Fu by bbq
Characters: Sam
Summary: Sam Winchester's angry, drunken letters to Stephen King. ...sheer crack.

First? The main character has a manservant. I think everybody knows what manservant means in any decade. You should have called this book Big Gay Steve's Big Gay Vampire Boatride.

High-Minded by Alethia
Characters: Sam and Dean
Summary: Dean vs. supernatural mushrooms. ...The 'shrooms appear to have the upper hand.

“What?” he yelled, tugging some more. Dean must have heard him and wanted to chat, or something, because he pulled himself back inside the car, hair all windblown and eyes just blown. And grinning. Maniacally.

“I’m brokering a deal with the pavement lines, dude. Master tactician,” he crowed, pumping his fist once, triumphant, before sticking his head back out the window.

You Know You're Right by Lierdumoa
Song: "You Know You're Right" by Nirvana
Focus: The overall epic insanity that is Dean Winchester.

The 6 Between Us by Kitty
Song: "Living Rooms" by Rev
Focus: The evolution of an evil!Sam. It's fantastically creepy.

Under Pressure by way2busymom
Song: "Under Pressure" by Queen
Focus: An exploration of the many, many issues of the Winchester dynamic.

One Day You'll Understand... by rachiefish
Song: "Trust Me" by The Fray
Focus: John's final words to Dean, and their effect on the brothers Winchester. I'm not incredibly fond of Madison, but the twist at the end of this vid pulls my heartstrings.

spn_woodandnails by Astarte
Song: "Jesus Christ" by Brand New
Focus: An absolutely stunning character study of the mess that is Dean Winchester.

Lepcis Magna by Thandie
Song: "Lepcis Magna" by e s posthumus
Focus: An overview of the sheer epicness that is Supernatural as a whole.

Eye for an Eye by Thandie
Song: "Eye for an Eye" by UNKLE
Focus: Castiel, Dean, and the major arc of On the Head of a Pin. ...Epic.

SPN TV Funhouse by maichan
Song: Various.
Focus: ...Utter crack. Just... wow.

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