Mar 25, 2009 23:21

Vidder: Thandie
Title: Eye for an Eye
Fandom: Supernatural
Genre: Character Studio, Drama, Action
Warnings: none, but I used clips up to the episode 'On the head of a pin'
Song/Artist: "Eye 4 an Eye" by UNKLE
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
Characters/Pairings: Castiel, Dean, Anna, Alastair, Uriel, hints of Dean/Castiel
Summary: Castiel-centric video, about self-discovery, fear and doubt. And his own special human. Featuring very kick-ass Sammy and crush-enabler Anna.
Download & Streaming: AVI, 29
Streaming: youtube


I don't have a lot to say about this one, it's basically all about Castiel, 'cause I adore him and his big blue shiny eyes and his low bedroom voice (especially when he says Dean). Anna has an important part too, because she's the one that shows him the way, but Dean is the trigger. So, you know, not really all that different from canon!
It's always good to remember that my first video about a character usually misses deep insight and all that, and it's more about finding the character. I hope we'll have a lot more of the guy, because I've just started with him.
The lyrics of the song are very fitting (they are quotes from the movie "The Thin Red Line") and they were perfect for this season. Oh, obviously the song was the usual UNKLE insane length, so I had to take off half song, and I remixed it around quite a bit...the original song, if you are interested, is pretty different and so much more beautiful.
On a shallow side: the torture scene is so so pretty. I don't even know what that says about me, but Dean's face when he's all cold and unforgiving badass does things to my lower brain.


Even now in heaven there were angels carrying savage weapons

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth

Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth

Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

Does our rule benefit the earth?
Does it help the grass to grow? The sun to shine?
Is this darkness in you too?
Have you passed through this Night?

Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

Where you're going you're not coming back from

Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth

Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth

Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

This great Evil...
Where's it coming from?
How'd it steal into the world?
Who's doing this?
Who's killing us?
Mocking us with the sight of what we might have known

Run, run, run...
Run, run, run...

An eye for an eye...
A tooth for a tooth...
Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

An eye for an eye...
A tooth for a tooth...
Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide

(An eye for an eye...)
Are you righteous?
(A tooth for a tooth...)
(Run, run, run but you sure can't hide...)
Does your confidence lie in this?
(An eye for an eye...)
Are you loved by all?
(A tooth for a tooth...)
Do you imagine your sufferings would be less
(Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide...)
Because you loved goodness and truth?

An eye for an eye...
A tooth for a tooth...
Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide...
Run, run, run, but you sure can't hide...

What are you to me?

vid: thandie, thandie, fandom: supernatural

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