A doctor and an institution

Feb 04, 2008 11:15

I hate the first test in a class. Unless I can anticipate entirely what a teacher might want to put on an exam, I never have any idea what to study for. Reliably, I always study the wrong thing and am left staring blankly at test questions when the time comes.

I passed my first test, which is all I really wanted to do. I would have liked a better grade, but I think the first test was the hardest and I'm confident that I'll do better through the rest. Especially if there's a lack of Krebs cycle. Screw you doctor Kreb.

This week sometime (hopefully) I'm going to cancel my gym membership and start up at the University Health Center. It's about $20 less a month. I loved going to the gym. Back when I had a trainer it was fantastic. But after some illness and the like I couldn't get back into the swing. Trainer got too busy, stuff like that. Which I can understand, because he's a student, but still, it sucked. I may give the gym one more chance, but it's particularly difficult this quarter since I have school after work four days a week.

As a favor for my Medical Microbiology instructor, I've been compiling a bunch of microscopy photographs. Primarily electron micrographs and some nice parasites. Here.

Xenophylla cheopis. The Oriental Rat flea, which is one of the primary infectious carriers of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium responsible for the Bubonic plague.

Don't say I never give you anything ;)
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