Back with a vengeance ! :)

Aug 30, 2008 15:49

Hola, nearly one month since my last LJ post... Argh. Sorry for the radio silence. T_T

Quite a few things happened since beginning of August.

* For one, about my one-year trip to Japan : things are becoming more and more clear. Indeed, I recently got my student visa, and the japanese university I'll go confirmed me they took measures so they take me in charge as soon as I'll arrive at the airport, so I can say the trip is really secured now. ~o~

I'm currently preparing my luggage, some financial points, and a few administrative points about my re-entrolment at my French university (as my end-year exams will be done under the French university, not on the Japanese one). All of those should go smoothly, thanksfully. But I'll have 2 rather busy weeks before me, I can sense it. :p

* That being said, entertainment-wise, quite a few things occured during that month as well.

1°) First, both my Fire Emblem goodies collection and my video games collection witnessed an increase. :)

So, I got six new games, two of them being Fire Emblem games, another one being a Tokimeki Memorial game, and another being a Pokémon game.

Here's pics for you :

For starters, my updated Fire Emblem goodies list.

I think I'll need a larger table next time I'll get more FE goodies, if you wanna ask my opinion. XD

So, the new items are FE3 and FE10. Even though I don't currently have a Wii, I'm not sure I'll find FE10 again next year when I'll come back to France, as NOE has shit marketing plans on the FE series... All FEs before FE10 were nearly unfindable after a year, and I don't think FE10 will be a diffrent case. So I preferred getting it now so I have the chance to play it once I'll buy a Wii next year.

As for FE3, as said in the last LJ post, I found it in a shop specialized in retro video games, and got it at half its normal price, due to the fact that, at the time I bought it, the shop was in an all-out discount period. So, I got it for 19.50 Euros instead of 39 Euros : quite a good deal, indeed, especially seeing Superbus' post on the "Recently purchased games" topic on FESS. :p

Now, on to the new games' pics.

Six new games : Fire Emblem 3 (SFC, JPN), Fire Emblem 10 (Wii, FR), Power Drive (MD, FR), Porsche Challenge (PS1, FR), Pokémon Diamond (DS, FR), and Tokimeki Memorial : Private Collection (PS1, JPN). I bought the former four in early August, while I got the latter two only a few days ago.

Plus 3 new official PS1 Memory Cards, as I was running short of them due to lots of saves in Star Ocean : The Second Story and Tokimeki Memorial : Forever with you.

Front cover of FE3. Rather in good shape, especially for such an old game, IMO.

Back cover of FE3.

Front cover of FE10. I haven't peeled off the plastic covering, especially since I won't play this game before one year.

Back cover of FE10. This version of this game is translated and dubbed in intergality in French. Thus, the back cover is no exception. I sharpened the pic a bit so those who can understand the language can read the text.

Cartridge of Power Drive, a Rally game by US Gold and Rage Software for Sega Megadrive.

It was one of my top wanted games for my collection (along with Tiny Toons : Buster's Hidden Treasure, and Cannon Fodder to only cite them), as I liked it lot when I was young. After replaying it, I can say the game has aged a lot (and I was surprised to discover it has nearly no sound effect when racing, i.e. a total lack of tire screeching, engines roaring, and such), but it still is quite fun. :)

Unfortunately, the shop didn't have the box nor the instruction manual. But since I searched for this games for about 12 years, I jumped on the opportunity nonetheless.

Front cover of Porsche Challenge. I had fond memories of that game when I played its demo in the Demo CD1 packaged with the Playstation I had back in 1997, so I bought it. :)
The CD pack is a bit cracked on top right, but oh well.

Back cover of Porsche Challenge. Pic sharpened a bit as well so you can read the text.

Front cover of Pokémon Diamond. I really haven't expected to get a DS Pokémon until next year when I'll both get back in France and when Pokémon Platinum would be out in my country, but my mother wanted to offer me my birthday present before my trip to Japan (as my birthday is in November), so she asked what I would like to have. That game jumped immediately to my mind (as I didn't want to ask her for something too pricey), so she bought it and offered it to me. Thanks, Mommy ! ~o~

I'm currently at the fourth Gym Champion, the one with the Fighting-type Pokémon, as I've already (easily) beaten the Water-type Champion.

Back cover of Pokémon Diamond. Pic sharpened as well, for those who can understand French. Obviously, this version of the game is translated in integrality in French. :p

Front cover of Tokimeki Memorial : Private Collection. A new game for my little Tokimemo collection, it's basically a quiz game based on TM1 knowledge. Lots of Japanese in there, so that's quite excellent for training myself a bit in the language. ^^

Game was still into its plastic seal when I took pics.

Now if only I could get my hands on the PS1 version of TM Tokkae Dama and Nijiiro no Seishun... The only versions I could find were Saturn ones. T_T Maybe when I'll be in Japan...

Back cover of Tokimeki Memorial : Private Collection. Of course, all in Japanese, as the Tokimemo series were never released outside Japan.

2°) Then, yesterday, I got back my camcorder, so I made some video games vids and uploaded them on Youtube.

Thus, 14 vids have been added to my Youtube Channel :

- the 3 Demo Modes, in French version, of Time Crisis 1 ;

- 5 vids on Colony Wars 1 : the Opening, the game CGs (split into 3 vids), and my highest score and rank. All are in French version.

- 3 vids on O.D.T. : the Opening, the first CG, and a vid for humor. Hell, reminds me I haven't played this very unforgiving game for years, and still haven't finished it yet.

- A new Konjou Mode Saki playthrough of Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzle Dama, split in 3 parts. The twist in this new playthrough is that it was the very first time I played this game in Hard Mode, without having ever played Normal Mode, and that, aside for getting the Bad Ending this playthrough is better overall than the Easy Mode one I posted a month ago. :p

Ok, I think I said everything for now. Wow, that was a long post, indeed. ^^'

tokimeki memorial taisen puzzle dama, fire emblem, pokemon, video games, youtube, tokimeki memorial, pokémon, japanese study trip

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