Sep 04, 2008 02:18
This is a post that will probably interest the Pokémon players of my LJ friend list (Manna and Marcus come first to my mind ^_^).
Okay, so I'm about to finish the main storyline of my Diamond file.
Even though I haven't completed the Sinnoh Dex yet (and need to do so if I want to be able to trade some interesting Pokés), I think it's time to give you my Friend Code.
Trainer name : Sety
ID Code : 3222-8035-2300
I don't plan to do online Pokémon until I at least finish the main storyline (which I think will be done tomorrow or the day after tomorrow). And, come to think about it, concerning the Sinnoh Dex : do I have to capture Azelf, Uxie and Mesprit to add them in the Dex ? If so, that's embarassing, as I'd like to SR them for good natures and IVs, Azelf especially... If that's the case, would one of you, my LJ-friends, agree to help me filling the dex via back-and-forth trading ? (i.e., you send me the Poké, and I sent it to you right back). It would be wonderful and kind of you. ~o~