Jul 25, 2007 23:00
i think i'm getting sick. last night i got about six hours of sleep, so i took a nap for like four hours, and i'm still tired. plus i'm kind of queasy. blargh.
i had to go home monday night for a dentist appointment on tuesday. i know, it's stupid to drive four hours for one stupid dentist appointment, but i didn't make it to my original appointment(see previous post), and this was the earliest time they had to reschedule. and yes, it would be better to find a dentist in santa barbara, but i'm leaving in a few months, and i don't know where i'm going to live when i get back. so there you go. apparently i chipped my back tooth without knowing it and they had to refill it. they had to numb up the whole left side of my mouth, including my tongue...which is kinda fun, actually. it's weird knowing that you could knock one of your teeth out and not even feel it. or bite through your cheek and only know it from the blood you would taste. luckily i was good and didn't do that. now my jaw is just sore, and it kind of hurts to eat. before the appointment, i went out to lunch with one friend, and afterwards, i went to see "transformers" with another friend. i'm really glad i fit both of them in during the short time i was there, since both of them seem a bit depressed. "transformers" wasn't great, btw. as we were waiting for it to start, my friend told me that someone said it was like a big car commercial, and it really was. there were lots of cool explosions and big robot fights, but the plot was bad. it was nice hanging out with my parents for a bit. i wish i could've stayed longer.
now i'm back in isla vista, and i'm actually hotter here than i was in fresno, since there's no air conditioning here. :/ i've been thinking of moving to alaska after i graduate, so that i would never be hot. lol. seriously, though, it makes me so cranky. (maybe that's why i feel sick?)
it's almost august, and i still don't have a place lined up for after my lease ends at the end of august. i've been e-mailing craigslist and facebook people left and right, but only one person has responded to me. :( i'm getting a little desperate. i hate dealing with this stuff.
i started reading a history of south africa by leonard thompson, and as history books go, it's fairly interesting, but i would rather be reading harry potter. lol. i was planning on waiting until christmas, but now everyone else is reading it and i feel left out. if i wait too long then i'll have heard all the spoilers already. (i've already heard too many.) so now i just have to get my hands on one.