follow-up to the sexist tights online shop

Jun 21, 2013 16:03

I was going through my journal cleaning up tags and such when I came across my post about that sexist online shop for tights. I never posted a follow-up to that.

I did indead write the owner an email complaining about the sexist and objectifying design and text on the website, telling him I refuse to spend money on a site like that. The next day I got a reply. I was initially hesitant to open it because I was expecting something at the very least annoying. But surprise! The owner apologised profusely and said he completely understood were I was coming from (it had apparently never occured to him and blablah stupid justifications but whatevs) and said he told his webdesigner to change the layout and content to a more neutral look. He also gave me a 20€ gift certificate as a thank you for my critique.

And it was no lie, the website does look different now. Gone are the porno poses and sexist language. I mean, I am under no illusion that I changed something profound about the mindset of that man, because if he did not see how horrifying that site was beforehand he had to have been completely and utterly oblivious. But it's one less sexist piece of garbage website on the web. It's a small victory but I'll take it.

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