Teen Wolf 3x03 Fireflies

Jun 18, 2013 19:41

I was all a-squee about the last episode but this one had me cringing with secondhand embarrassment. There were just so many things wrong with it, from the second and third helpings of cheese being layered over the whole thing, the awkward slow motion and CGI and stilted info dumps to the clunky pacing and plot that's held together by string and chewing gum. It just did not hold up at all for me. Also, please do not have Chris explain werewolves to an actual born werewolf. We know Derek sucks at everything but, seriously?

I did love Allison getting out her hunting gear again and being confident and competent. I love that girl so much. Ms. Blake leaves me utterly cold as a character, though. I neither like nor dislike her, I simply do not give a single damn about her one way or the other. Stiles & Lydia FTW! I am so thrilled about them becoming friends. Melissa continues to be solid gold. I think the Sheriff is this close to convincing himself that what he thinks is going on is actually going on. He knows, he just has to switch off the voice in his head that tells him that there are no monsters under the bed in the woods. Isaac calling for Scott first made me grin. We know, Isaac, we know. *pets*

I kinda have a theory about the myth arc this season. Last season, when Deaton and Morell talked about what was coming, people were connecting that to the Alpha pack. Actually, I think it is an as of yet unspecified something that is coming, an event, something that ties the Argents, the Hales and the Alphas together. The Alpha pack is in Beacon Hills for it because they are not it themselves. At first I thought the animals going crazy was because of the Alphas, that they were corrupted in a way like Peter in S1, but now I tend toward the idea that the unspecified it is causing it. Like Stiles' said, the animals react as if an earthquake was coming. The animals are a sign. In Greek myth Deucalion is the son of Prometheus and the equivalent to the biblical Noah who built an ark to survive god's flood. According to spoilers there are going to be a lot of water/rain scenes this season. I wonder if maybe Deucalion wants it, whatever it is, to happen and Scott can stop it. In S2 Peter got resurrected during the Worm Moon. I'm not quite sure what date it is in canon ( when does school start in California?) but the Red Moon, Harvest Moon and Hunter's Moon are is August, September and October. I bet it has something to do with one of them.

What about the non-werewolf-y deaths though? If Stiles' is right and they are indeed human sacrifices, my money is on Ms. Blake being the killer. Something about her reaction to the suicidal ravens pinged me as not merely scared, she looked shell-shocked. If I am right and the animals are a sign, what if Ms. Blake recognised them as such and the sacrifices are to either stop it from happening or to bring it about. Stiles mentioned the deaths being "threefold deaths", which is a specific mythological thing where people die from three separate things, it's meant to be a punishment for a crime or violation (I wonder if virginity or about to-have-sex is meant to read as violation here). Jeff really loves his myths and legends. On top of the threefold deaths, both Heather and Emily experienced scary hallucinations beforehand. If Ms. Blake is human, as I think she is, there has to be something else going on even when she is the one killing them.

This leaves Lydia. I think Lydia is a psychopomp with a bit of banshee thrown in for good measure. She can bridge the worlds between the living and the dead. That's why she could resurrect Peter, that's why she hallucinated young Peter (and Laura on the lacrosse field?) and was led to the dead man by the pool. The banshee part comes in with the screaming. I noticed it in S2 already, but I never really thought about the fact that Lydia's screams sound oddly inhuman. A banshee announces and foretells death with her screams.

So we have an unspecified it, an Alpha pack with an as of yet unclear motive, human sacrifices, a guide for the dead, and, according to spoilers and the opening credits, something going on with the dead Hales. I cannot decide if the reaching hands from the intro mean Derek trying to resurrect his family, or him laying his family to rest. And I am still waiting for the girl from Lydia's lacrosse field hallucination to become significant. What if the unspecified it has something to do with the bridge between life and death? This make me worried for Cora, as a newly discovered alive Hale.

Jeff's A and B plots tend to converge at some point so it all has to be connected.

PS.: Blue-eyed werewolves: if resurrection is not the clue, Peter and Jackson have another thing in common: they have both killed humans (and/or innocents). What about Derek?

PPS.: The glowing fireflies were a clue, right? But for what? Just another animal weirdness?

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