
Jun 23, 2013 17:55

[Orphan Black]
12_12_12 is talking about all the things she loves about Orphan Black.

[Orphan Black] A video of Tatiana Maslany talking about her process of becoming all the different characters she plays, and acting in general. It's really interesting. She comes across as very eloquent and thoughtful.

[Teen Wolf]
keriarentikai thinks that Peter Hale isn't Hades, he's Dionysus

saathi1013 talks about how most of the time fandom reflects the same spotlight that the media does and what effect that has on the characters who are being kept out of that spotlight and how fandom views them because of it.

thingswithwings ponders noncon, dubcon, and fannish standards

naraht wonders about "the literary effect that tags can have, in terms of how readers engage with and interpret texts"

sholio would like to know what people are looking for on author websites

jedusaur is doing a survey about fannish modes of interaction/creation

(via fanhackers) The tenth issue of Participations, an online open access journal for audience studies, has a section full of new articles about fan culture. The section was put together by the Fan Studies Network, a network for fan studies researchers.

Comment meta fest about anything relating to female characters at

(Tumblr crosspost)

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-linkspam, links: fandom

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