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miladyhawke July 11 2004, 20:12:00 UTC
Appreciated your consideration for my journal. Not really necessary, but I'm kinda glad you brought it over here just because I wouldn't like to see people jump on you, though I'd like to think that wouldn't happen since you're being reasonable.

Anyhow, you have some good points in here (esp. because some V/O shippers were originally causing problems), and more and more my general impression is becoming that alot of the mess has to do with misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Some general points for discussion:
Why is it always the one addressing the issue that gets called a shit stirrer? Nobody would feel the need to speak up if everything was alright.There absolutely are bad apples out there, so you're right that everything isn't alright, but the problem people had with the OP is that she wasn't (until much later) talking about the few. You're right that she didn't create the larger issues, but I said that her post was making it worse by blaming all V/O believers. She said that ALL V/O believers are self-hating, psychotic ( ... )


missiedith July 11 2004, 23:05:45 UTC
Ok, I'm asking you because of all the opposition to the OP yours seems to be the most reasonable and direct response, and I'm asking you here because it feels a helluva lot safer than anywhere else. From where I'm sitting the other respondents just seem to have jumped on an idea of what it was about. Misunderstanding and miscommunication abounds, as you mentioned. Whilst I don't fundamentally agree with your position, I can certainly respect your behaviour and the points you have made. I'm not sure I could have conducted myself as admirably were I challenged on various of my viewpoints.

The problem I have is that I don't understand this belief issue. Your reply here has clarified the point for me even further, I'm not sure whether you realise the extent to which this word keeps appearing. For me, this is what it all boils down to, and I wrote a little about this on my blog. Why do you think people do it? Where does V/O belief come from? You said that you "personally believe that the things that drive their beliefs come from the most ( ... )


miladyhawke July 11 2004, 23:46:29 UTC
OMG, I think I love you. I'm ridiculously delighted that somebody actually wants to get a take on what V/O believers think about themselves, what they think predisposes them to this belief (aside from the conspiracy evidence). And I would love to do it; I can tell already that it's going to be fun and make me happy, reminding me why I love the pairings I do. And yep, belief is a key word. I'm not a true believer, but like the UFO poster behind Fox Mulder's desk says, I want to believe.

I'd love to come over, but it's almost three in the morning where I am now, and I need to go to bed. If you don't mind, I could come over tomorrow evening after work.

Btw, you're a sweetheart; I can't see anybody anywhere jumping on you. It is still a scary issue to get involved with though.


missiedith July 11 2004, 23:58:49 UTC
Go sleep. I know well the perils of developing odd sleep patterns. Looking forward to reading when you're fresh and rested.

And re being jumped? Don't you believe it. I've been involved with a couple of different altercations upon one particular ViggOrli BNF's journal, and it was without doubt the worst experiences I've had online. I actually promised both the general ViggOrli community and myself that I would never get involved with that circle ever again in an attempt at peace and coexistence. This seems like enough of a fandom-wide discussion that I can hopefully be excused for expressing my views, however.


so sorry for being wordy acari July 12 2004, 07:37:09 UTC
If I remember correctly, I commented on the post a day or two before she added the postscript. I went my merry way after reading and replying. It was only later that I saw how much it had bothered people. I don’t have Persephone on my f-list so I didn’t see her post re: defriending ( ... )


Re: so sorry for being wordy miladyhawke July 13 2004, 22:45:52 UTC
All interesting points - that I even had a reply prepared for, but I lost it, damn it. Will give it a go again tomorrow. At any rate, you'll probably be interested in the discussion myself and missiedith are now having over on her blog :) See you there, then, and I'll be back here tomorrow.


part 2 acari July 12 2004, 07:38:26 UTC
... continued

I can't entirely fault everybody for not getting involved with this though because these things have a way of getting ugly, and it does drain one's stamina. Gah. Don’t remind me. Been there, done that. I’m just saying that there are places that make me sick to the stomach listening to the hate-speech, and no one says a word. But it can be avoided by just not venturing there, it’s harder to escape the casual comments thrown around all over LJ. I only say things when something seriously pisses me off; choose your battles and all that. It is not worth it when the only thing you succeed in is the perpetrator feeling as a victim because you dare to criticise her behaviour ( ... )


Re: part 2 miladyhawke July 14 2004, 19:13:54 UTC
You know, it’s funny. I had a decent response prepared last night and lost it, but on reading your last response to me again today, I pretty much agreed with everything you said without feeling the need to qualify or add to anything except one thing which I’ll get to.

Basically, I have to say first that what I liked here about your attitude and your opinions is that you’re not seeing everything as black and white the way many people do. And as you said, these issues are quite complicated (over-simplification is one of the horrors of this kerfluffle), and you seem to have a very balanced and fair perspective.

There is one point that you brought up though that was actually the subject of my entire post at Missiedith’s blog, the Beautiful Dreamers response. I have a feeling that anyone other than yourself who sees it is going to give me all kinds of grief and mock mercilessly, but what can I say. I’m a hopelessly romantic sap. I’m happy that way.

The point is this:

I do think it's mostly the truly rabid Orlando fangirls who ( ... )


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