My Late Valentine

Mar 07, 2009 20:01

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4, 3, 2, 1, 0.
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Name: Nadia
Gender: Female
Likes: sleep/good dreams, teddy bears, sweets, money, art, poems, music, anime, manga, plants and animals.
Dislikes: getting sick, (mostly) spicy foods, work/cleaning, window shopping (when it's not for gifts), bloodsuckers (aka mosquitoes and leeches), and being bored and/or woken up early.
Strong Points: I have a really good memory though it's selective to my interests and the things that are unforgettable because they are just that random. I'm easily always in a happy cheerful mood and open to the thoughts of others as well as "blunt", "rude", or rather a truthful person if I say so myself. I'm pretty much the average self-indulgently carefree person when nothing is wrong.
Though when it comes to the serious things in life I'm pretty much still a laid back, worriless and stressless person. However I'm not ignorant towards lives problems whatever they may be. At least I try not to be but at the same time I don't and really can't stress much on what has already happened and can't be changed. I do worry slightly about how to fix whatever the problem is but with my attitude it probably won't show on the surface unless it's something really serious/grave/saddening/etc.
Weak Points: For one I'm a too lazy/relaxed of a person when it comes to the small serious problems and because of this I tend to anger people from time to time and even more so when I can't help but laugh out loud because of their pointless yelling (and venting their anger out on me).
Also my bluntness towards things sometimes is considered really rude but I hate it when people can't accept whatever fact into real life, in till it is spoken by someone else and soon accepted because "hating the person that said it is much more big of a deal."
Last but not least, I am a picky eater. This sometimes causes problems because there's just food I won't eat and then there's the food I grow tired of for a week or day or ever.

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~What Do You Look For In a Boy/Girlfriend~
Personality-Wise: I would like someone who is smart, fun, mature, a little giving and/or romantic, patient and works hard to get where he wants in life.
Physical Appearance: To be completely honest I would like someone who has black or blond hair but I guess, in the end, all I really care about appearance is just how he dresses and his height. He doesn't have to wear anything dressy but if I was to ever date a guy he had better know how to wear clothes properly because really pants are not meant to be worn much lower than the waist. And for height, of course, I'd want him to be taller than me but not so tall that I would feel as if I have to look towards the sky to look at his eyes.

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~Would you want him/her to be~
Calm or Energetic: Somewhere in between would be nice. He would have to be energetic enough to keep up with me and calm enough to put up with me.
Brains or Brawn: More brain than brawn. What can I say, I like them smart but I do hate it when people over analyze everything. It drives me nuts.
Controlled or Impulsive: a mix of both is fun.
Determined or Passive: BOTH! He had better be determined to reach his own goals in life and passive when it came to letting me get my way sometimes. Otherwise they might just be a huge problem.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Patient or Impatient: Patient but from time to time I wouldn't mind if he became impatient once in awhile for good reason.
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate.
Confident or Modest: Confident but not arrogant.
a Leader or Follower: A leader. One that knows how to follow sometimes too and take advice from others.

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What Would You Prefer: someone who thinks, acts, etc like you? or not like you? I would prefer someone who is not like me. If someone was very much like me I think they would be best just as a friend because I don't think I could handle dating someone like me. I think it would only piss me off slightly and creep me out too.
What Would Be The Turn Ons/Turn Offs To A Guy/Girl?
Turn ons: someone who isn't cheap, someone who will try to go above and beyond for me when I'm in a bad (my rarest) mood, and someone who is smart and fun.
Turn offs: animal haters, bad oder, and guys who don't wear their clothes properly (as already mentioned above in Physical Appearance).

What Would Be The One Trait Crucial In Your Ideal Lover? Honesty. I hate liars! Especially liars who lie about something for no good reason.
What Would Be Your Ideal First Date? I'm fine with movie nights with pizza (at one of our places). But since his parents might be the paranoid type, going out to the movies and somewhere to eat before then would be okay too.
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love: peony

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