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Link Four People You Voted On:
http://community.livejournal.com/abyssrating/19462.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/abyssrating/19263.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/abyssrating/19039.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/abyssrating/18923.htmlAnd Your Character Link:
Tear♥ ♥ ♥
Name: Fuji
Gender: Female
Likes: Puzzles, Digimon Tamers, video games, character design, animals, learning new things
Dislikes: People who are stupid on purpose, feeling useless, sailboats, my own flaws, overly-cutesiness
Strong Points: I'm smart, curious, and open-minded; I don't leap to judgments, and I want to understand everything. I try to be fair in everything I do without being unkind. I have high standards for myself, so I'm always trying to improve , and I don't like to do things to less than the best of my ability. I'm self-reliant in a non-idiotic way, stubborn, loyal, and protective. Apparently, I have a good sense of humour.
Weak Points: I'm walking indecisive inertia, because I always think I can improve on things. I'm overly-analytical and focus on faults. It doesn't feel like I know myself, and neither does anyone else since I'm so distant. I'm good at lying to myself and making other people think I'm okay when I'm not. I don't like to share my problems, I can't accept compliments, and sometimes I use my desire to understand the world as an excuse to not interact with it.
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~What Do You Look For In a Boy/Girlfriend~
Personality-Wise: Some traits the people I've been attracted to share include a sense of humour, curiosity, wit (not book-smarts), compassion, and being able to put up with the fact that I'm both a complete girly dork and a gentleman when I'm in a relationship. I'm more concerned with the overall personality being a good person than all the little details.
Physical Appearance: Being female. If I look back over the various people I've been attracted to, that's the only thing they have in common physically. Once I decide I like someone's personality, their physical appearance automatically becomes attractive to me. ^^;
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~Would you want him/her to be~
Calm or Energetic: ... middle-ish?
Brains or Brawn: If I can only pick one, definitely brains, but not being a complete gym-class failboat like me is nice, too.
Controlled or Impulsive: Definitely more impulsive/less controlled than me. Only one person in a relationship needs a stick that firmly up their rear.
Determined or Passive: Determined. I can't respect people who give up easily.
Mature or Immature: I dunno. I mean, I can't deal with bratty uber-needy people, but I also like people who are capable of having fun. Middle ground?
Patient or Impatient: Patient enough to deal with life, impatient enough to not let me think myself in a rut.
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate.
Confident or Modest: Confident, but not to the point of hubris.
a Leader or Follower: Co-leader. I don't like feeling like I'm a follower in any kind of relationship, but I also don't want to feel more like I'm mommying someone than being a girlfriend.
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What Would You Prefer: someone who thinks, acts, etc like you? or not like you? I like people who think enough like me/are interested in enough of the same things as I am that we have something to talk about, but if someone's too much like me, then we'll both think ourselves in a rut and emo about life too much (not to mention we'd probably be too cautious to ever start dating in the first place). There needs to be common ground, but there really need to be differences, too.
What Would Be The Turn Ons/Turn Offs To A Guy/Girl? I can't deal with flip attitudes toward genuine cruelty. Also not fond of loud clingy-attention seekers, unwillingness to understand other points of view, people who can't stand on their own two legs, and MAN I cannot deal with people who truly are as emotionally distant as I seem to be, and especially with people who are comfortable with that in a relationship.
What Would Be The One Trait Crucial In Your Ideal Lover? I'm not sure this is the right term to describe it, but vivacity? Liveliness of spirit and wit, not necessarily being super-physically active or something.
What Would Be Your Ideal First Date? Hmm? Well, as long as we both enjoyed it, I don't see how I can come up with this if I don't know the other party involved in the date.
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