The Basics
Name/Nickname: Celes
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Likes: Astronomy, drawing, walking at night, ambient to 1930's style music, deep video game plots, theorizing about game outcomes, nice and honest guys, helping others, languages and cooking
Dislikes: Liars, judgmental people, stale sushi, loud obnoxious cars, and homework
Goals: To become an Assistant Language Teacher in Japan
Fears: Being alone, incredibly wide spaces (ie: underwater in the ocean), serious talks, death, rejection
Talents: Drawing and gaming
Hobbies: More of drawing and gaming, stargazing, observing the moon, studying Japanese, translating doujinshi and a dash of RP on the side.
Strong points: I'm really good at encouraging people and tend to be optimistic. I like to dream big and try to see things from multiple perspectives.
Weak points: I don't take change well at all. I'm too shy to speak up for myself when it's most important and have a hard time accurately expressing myself.
The Attitude
Mature or Immature: Constantly maturing to find ways to better myself, but with enough understanding that being immature is more mature than always being serious. That is to say I don't take myself so seriously because nothing is ever permanent.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: 95% of the time I am so optimistic it's painful to watch.
Outgoing or Shy: Initially shy but very outgoing after I'm accustomed.
Calm or Energetic: It varies with the mood I'm in, but I'd guess energetic.
Brains or Brawn: I always play the swords or guns person in RPGs. Brawn and heart overcome brains and logic sometimes. They both have good and bad points.
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive, for now.
Determined or Passive: Determined, you betcha.
Ignorant or Informed: I prefer the term oblivious. Not much for research, I usually like to ask the source.
Patient or Impatient: Patient
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate
Confident or Modest: Modest
The Questions
Let's pretend you are Luke (for this and the next question) and have lived exactly like him for the past seven years in the Fabre mansion and than suddenly one day a "mysterious intruder" attacks your mentor. You block her attack and than wake up in the middle of no where, half way a cross the world . What would your first reaction be?
To try and find my bearings. I have a pretty good sense of direction and when I don't I feel a bit lost.
A month later you finally get home. Though it doesn't feel much like home to you; it feels like anywhere else you've been. If this were you right this moment, how would you describe the feeling of your home not feeling like one?
It would feel a bit hollow and I'd be left wondering just what's wrong with me that home didn't feel like home anymore. And rest assured that with time things may shift back to normal.
If you were Tear after she promised to return Luke home, how would you deal with/act towards the boy most of the time once you got to know him? Tolerate him and his misguided naive actions. He's never been exposed to the outside and is struggling to find where he fits, so it's only natural he'd give out with some frustrations. This would also be done while trying to impress upon him the importance of being considerate for others.
If you were Ion before the start of game, trapped in the church, like a pet and only there to serve as a figurehead to the Order of Lorelei, what would you do daily if you only had the choice of doing one thing? I would study the stars.
If your life could save millions of others, would you give it up? It would depend on what those millions of people meant to me.
If you found out you weren't really the you you were raised and thought to be, how would you react? I'd feel lost and wonder where I should turn next. It can be seen as a liberating moment as well as shaking.
If your life was running out, what last things would you like to do before your went? Travel, promote peace, and not go down without a fight.
Last Question! If you had the choice, would you live by the score to live easily or destroy the score to live freely? I have an independent spirit, so I'd resist more than I'd give. So I'd have to say the latter. Destroy it so that myself as well as others might live freely.