oh, livejournal, this is getting tiresome

Sep 01, 2010 10:29

I have a facebook account I almost never use (I log in once every few months, look around, can't figure out the point, repeat 4 months later) and I don't use twitter. I will never ever crosspost anything I ever put on LJ to either website (I will crosspost my *own* stuff to dw and AO3 and I do periodically backup my LJ + comments on DW, but that is the only crossposting I expect to do). I would very much appreciate it if anyone commenting in my journal extend the same courtesy.

On that note, I've been feeling more and more inclined to dreamwidth as I simultaneously get more comfortable over at dreamwidth and less comfortable at livejournal. But I've been really bad at keeping track of who on LJ is also over there. If I'm following you on lj and not on dw, would you be willing to drop a comment with your dw username?

I'm not yet ready to do a full move, but the only thing keeping me from doing so are the people on lj who aren't using dw who I wish to continue interacting with. So I expect it's only a matter of time. Or possibly waiting until redial finishes and I finish my last commitment there.

This entry was originally posted at dreamwidth
. Replies are welcome on either post.
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