Title: Ol’ Mc Donald had a Big Mac
Author: Obsidian Butterfly66 (Michelle)
Drabble Challenge: abvh100……..Fruit
Fandom: Anitaverse
Rating: PG
Pairing: Anita & Zane
Warnings: violence towards noodles
Summary: Anita’s cooking…….enough said.
Disclaimer: Anita Blake and all characters are the property of
Laurell K. Hamilton.
Anita hurried around the kitchen, making dinner. She was covered in spaghetti sauce from head to toe.
Zane entered the kitchen, starving he hadn’t eaten all day. He stared down an unrecognizable mess that filled the pan on the stove, then at Anita.
“What’s this?” Zane asked pointing towards the pan.
“Spaghetti!” Anita proudly announced sauce smeared across her cheek.
Zane glanced at the pan “Naw, I just ate.”
Anita turned around. “Suit yourself”
“Looks good though” Zane lied
“Maybe later” he giggled as he snatched an apple from the table on his way out the door to McDonalds.