Title: What’s Mine
Author: Yanita24 (Yanni)
Drabble Challenge: abvh100 (Fruit)
Fandom: Anitaverse
Rating: PG
Pairing: Anita, Jean-Claude, Asher
Warnings: violence
Summary: Anita’s worked up after someone disrespect what’s hers
Disclaimer: Anita Blake and all characters are the property of
Laurell K. Hamilton.
“It’s dangerous! How can you consider going to another master and threaten them?!” Asher all but yelled at Anita.
“What does apples have to do with plums?” She said with a shrug.
Asher blinked a couple of times, “Huh?” then looked at Jean-Claude for some answers.
“Ma Petite wants to know what that has to do with anything…”
“Does she know…?” Asher was cut off by Jean-Claude.
“She knows… but ask her if she cares.”
Asher shot Anita another look and her saw the answer on her face.
“They messed with what’s mine.” With that, Anita ended all other discussion.