Destination Unknown

Jul 20, 2010 22:18

I feel like the government always gets between my entrepreneurial spirit and money. I think if I had been born a hundred years ago I would have been a huge success at age 22. I wish I could have been around for those wild-west days of yore. I need a get rich quick scheme. Even a get rich by 30 scheme would be acceptable.

I found myself questioning my intentions for life last night. I feel like I have too many conflicting interests, and a man divided against himself can't succeed. I spend so much time training, but for what? I was playing street fighter the other night and after Zhangif beat me, his caption read "why do you fight? when you have money, family, friends?". It really struck a chord with me...

Why do I fight? it's not them money, and the glory is literally minutes-long. I guess if I went by Zhangif's criteria, I have no money family and few friends here in Australia. But that's not a reason WHY I fight. Training takes up 5 nights a week of my life, plus all the lifestyle accommodations I make for it. I enjoy it though, so I guess it's not that hard to understand why I do it. But I found myself questioning it last night.

I feel like I'm under pressure at the moment to steer my life in a certain direction. I just can't pick that direction. I guess I've always been shooting off in all directions my whole life. I just get an ambition, and chase it as far as I can until a new ambition comes along...

This takes me back to my original statement about being born a hundred years ago. a hundred years ago a go-getter like me would have been really successful, but nowadays you need permits-this and certification-that. everything is regulated! And while I can see the obvious benefits of some forms of regulation, I don't feel like they outweigh the benefits of a big wad of cash-in-hand that my entrepreneurial inclinations could provide me with

I'm taking some extra credits so that I am eligible to get into university in Australia, but this is a short window of time to pick a direction to take my life in. Time is precious and life is short.

so I guess the question I'm left asking myself tonight is: is it better to take the wrong path, or go nowhere at all?
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