
Jan 14, 2009 23:28

1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And it just keeps going, and going, and going.

These questions are from MADJH :D

1 - Say you weren't married, or otherwise attached and you had the opportunity to introduce a very sweet, very good looking, eighteen year old boy to sex - would you?
I can honestly say at 27 years old that I could NOT have sex with an 18 year old. I know it sounds completely ridiculous seeing as my DH is that much older than I am, but it would just feel wrong. I guess I'll never be a cougar ;)

2 - Vampire or Werewolf?
To be or sleep with??? LOL! I think I would rather be a vampire because I love the night, but I'd rather have sex with a werewolf because I can't stand a cold body.

3 - Imagine being kidnapped by South American drug runners. Because of your value as a hostage, they don't hurt you. Instead you're placed in a remote village where no one speaks English. There's no possible way to escape, though you're in no immediate danger. Do you keep your distance from the villagers, or do you immerse yourself in their culture?
First things first... I would try to think on the reason South American drug runners would want me... then I would party down with the villagers.. When in Rome :D I mean fried tarantulas can't be that bad right? Just like chicken ;)

4 - You have one week to spend a million dollars ON YOURSELF. What do you buy?

Shite! Only a million? If I had a couple of million I would build a children's hospital. Okay so only a million... I'd pay off my student loans, buy a nice house, buy a home gym (complete with a trainer like Jillian), travel to Europe, and start my vineyard :D

5 - What is your favourite curse word?
It's a lot of letters, but I promise I can say it all in one breath.... MotherfuckingtittysuckingGDsonofabitch... I'm not a huge christian, but I can't bring myself to say what GD stands for...
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