...but the bookstore radio aired a quintessential 80s teen film song and it was pretty bitchin'.

Aug 08, 2006 15:25

I completely repulsed a girl in a restroom this afternoon by sweating after riding my bike to a bookstore. I don't exaggerate when I say repulsed. She couldn't handle it. She was completely aghast and screwed her face all up, asking OH MY GOD WERE YOU, LIKE, RUNNING, OR SOMETHING?! I wasn't even sweating very much. My face always gets flushed when I'm hot and I wanted to clean up with some cold water. Never mind the fact that it's 100 degrees outside and a lot of people who haven't been sitting under an air conditioner are sweating anyhow even if they didn't ride their bike a whole grueling, treacherous, soul-sucking mile and three-quarters to a bookstore. (She couldn't comprehend how I did that, either.) Wow. It's not like she had to witness my truly hideous visage after riding way the fuck out of town to bail someone out of jail, or something. (Heh.) How do these people manage to leave their homes? I can imagine her going back to join her friends and saying OH MY GOD I CANNOT EVEN BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO SWEAT IN PUBLIC. HOW DARE SHE! THAT WAS, LIKE, SO FUCKING GROSS OH MY GOD OH MY GOD.

It's always awesome to discover that you have a new purpose in life without even trying.
PostScript: I remember this from time to time but now I will finally address it. I KNOW I told you that I was going to make copies of some less-painful Current Ninety-Three tunes for you to sample (about sixteen years ago), but right when I was actually going to get around to doing it (about twelve years ago) the obsolete CD burner on my obsolete computer finally grew tired of life while burning old man blues albums and now it doesn't work and when I try to force it into doing so it takes the whole computer right down with it and I never got around to letting you know about why I never sent them and I'm really sorry about all of this because I realize that I'm absolutely terrible at sending things out to people but I didn't mean to and I probably could have just emailed you or something but now everyone knows what an awful bastard I really am, at heart. For the record, I also yelled at some kids today.
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