Level 4 [Action]

Dec 21, 2010 12:18

[Almaz was a rather dutiful worker, after all it was easy to just do what people ask you to. He didn't rock the boat, and he didn't ask too many questions. He really didn't want to know too much about some of the things here, they gave off that feeling of ask too many questions and something dark and sinister would happen to you. So, instead he worked and tried to provide for his "family". Though, it was more he hung out in the comic book store and bought lots of comics instead, in fact, that was where he could be found now.

A: In one of the isles reading some Action Comics, a small pile building next to him.

B: Getting kicked out of the store because it closed. Really Mr. Adamant don't you have a family waiting for you to go home for dinner?

C: On his way home with a pile of comics and other childish collectibles, it's such an unstable pile it looks like he might drop it any minute, or slip on the ice.]

adjusting a bit too well, comics!, fanboy at heart

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