Firstly, you should all read the latest
beaverandsteve. I think you'd all get a kick out of it, especially you HP and Star Wars geeks. Yesterday, I went out to the mall and got the last pieces of my cosplay outfit for JACON. (oneweekomfg) Those pieces being suspenders and sunglasses. I bought some hairpins too to try and make my hair look shorter, and yeah, that wasn't helping much so I cut my hair. It needed to be cut anyway so I did my hardcore hairdressing thing and took a scissors to myself. My hair on top is long enough to cover the sides and back so i just combed it over and cut off a few inches underneath. Not only is it short enough for cosplaying now, but it also feels about ten pounds lighter, is much cooler, and is less tangley so that's always nice. It looks considerably tidier now too. Aside from my holster and pouch which
randirien is bringing with her, I have everything done. I've decided to leave the gun out. It's too much trouble for something that's gonna be hidden most of the time anyway.
Other costumey goodness. My 6yo nephew is doing a book report for school where they have to pick a character from a book and dress as the character while making a speech about them. He chose Harry Potter so naturally I let him borrow some of my costume pieces - a gryffindor-esque tie, a wand, some old glasses which I bent with pliars to be more circular. His teacher was apparently so impressed with it all that she made him march around all the different classrooms and say his speech. Needless to say, I think i'm rubbing off on him. I'll ask my sister to take a few pictures.
As I posted about yesterday, my friend Chris and I are gonna be playing at Stardust again soon which I'm really psyched about. I will spend the next month roughing out what songs I'm gonna play and in what order. I'm also working on a new album which could be done in a month or could be done in a year. You know how those things go. It's tentative title is "Dream Research". I'm considering having some buttons made as well. Any promotional tool is good for an unknown artist.
While at barnes and noble the other day, I saw an article on this in Make magazine: What it is, is a client end wiki, meaning you store it on your computer in it's own directory and then open it in a browser and use it to keep track of whatever you'd like. Wikis are used a lot on the web for different things, most notably Wikipedia, but to me, a user end version of this type of software seems very practical, especially on family computers where you can use it to keep track of everything from grocery lists to phone messages to books you'd like to get from the library. Those are just a few examples though. I'm using mine to keep track of my homework, calender, and bookmarks, at the moment. I thought it was cool though. Perhaps it will be useful to someone else too.
I really need to get a job so I can move out ASAP. My dad is starting to drive me nuts.
That is all.