request a drink: prompting

Aug 27, 2014 02:29


Basically, this fic fest runs on prompts. Everyone is allowed to create whatever kind of prompt they'd like, as long as Chanyeol and Suho star in it. There will be a few limitations on the prompts that can be requested, but for the most part, everything goes. Maybe you'd like Chanyeol to act as the lead actor in Suho's new movie. Maybe Suho is the newest Dovahkiin and Chanyeol wants to protect him. Maybe they're both explorers on an uncharted planet and discover an alien race. Maybe they're just really horny people and need to fuck. Let your imagination run wild and create as many prompts as your heart desires!

  • As long as you're a living, breathing person, feel free to prompt as many prompts as you'd like. There's no limit to the number of prompts you can leave.
  • If you don't want to leave a prompt with your account, then you also have the option to leave your prompt while anonymous. You don't need a Livejournal to leave a prompt.
  • You do not have to claim a prompt later to leave a prompt. While it is encouraged, not everyone feels confident enough to fulfill someone else's prompt, so they do not have to participate to leave prompts.
  • All prompts will be shared anonymously. The reason for this is that we don't want anyone feeling intimidated for whose prompt they're fulfilling. We want everyone to feel comfortable with their writing and not worry on who's going to receive it. Prompters and writers involved will be revealed after the fics have been posted!
  • Please keep your prompts a secret outside of the fest. While we have no control on who you'd like to tell your prompt to, it would just be a lot more fun when everything is a mystery!
  • When requesting a prompt below, please only request one prompt per comment. This way, it makes it much easier to keep track of all the prompts and who is prompting what.
  • Prompts will be shared through this spreadsheet, which will be used later during the claiming process. It'll be visible from the start so that participants have the opportunity to see what has already been prompted.


DRINKWARE: What is it exactly you'd like to happen in your story? Be as brief or as elaborate as you'd like. Just remember, the more you put into your prompt, the more precise the fic will in turn have to be. A good prompt will give the writer a basic theme and a sense of direction, while also allowing them a bit of freedom in what to do in the story. If it helps, feel free to use pictures, song lyrics, or even quotes as your prompt. (PLEASE ADD THE NECESSARY WARNINGS IN YOUR PROMPT!)

ALCOHOL: What is the rating you'd like your story to fall in? Feel free to pick any portion of the rating scale: G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17. Keep in mind, it should fit with your prompt (while it can be done, it might be a bit hard for a writer to write about a sex industry worker and keep it PG).

MIXER: What are some bonuses you'd like to have in your story? Maybe you'd like for the rest of Chinguline to make an appearance and help Chanyeol build that tree-house for Suho. Maybe you'd like Chanyeol to be awkward when it comes to his crush on Suho, despite Chanyeol's reputation as a flirt. Maybe you'd like Suho to fuck Chanyeol inside his sports car when the later is done evading the police. These things don't have to be fulfilled by the writer, but would make the story that much sweeter in the end.

GARNISH: What are some things that you do not want in your story? Maybe there's a certain ship out there that makes you want to bash your head into your monitor. Maybe there's a certain type of kink that just doesn't sit well with you. Maybe there's a genre out there that makes you want to destroy worlds like a world destroyer. Whatever it is, these are things that your writer must not include in the final story.



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