
Aug 26, 2014 00:25


The Blue Blazer is a flaming cocktail made  by combining Scotch Whiskey and boiling water into a mug, igniting the liquid with fire, and mixing the two ingredients by pouring them from one mug into the other, creating the appearance of a stream of fire. The Blue Blazer is also the first flaming cocktail ever published, and like the drink it's named after, ablueblazer is the first fest centering on the lovely pairing of Chanyeol and Suho. We hope that this pairing attracts more attention through this fest, and that plenty of beautiful fics are created for everyone to enjoy. So before the doors are opened, there's just one question: are you ready?


Let's get this out of the way. This is a fest that was created specifically for Chanyeol and Suho, so the main pairing of the fic must revolve around these two. With that in mind, feel free to add anyone you'd like into the story. Perhaps Sehun would like to make an appearance and help cause trouble with Chanyeol. Maybe Kyungsoo has that special culinary touch that is a favorite of Suho's. Even other idols can be included if it'll help your fic. Is Yunho still that mentor that Suho turns to whenever he's feeling down? As long as Chanyeol and Suho end up as the main pairing, the possibilities are endless.

Since this is a fest, it'll operate a little differently than an exchange. For starters, instead of everyone being paired off with a recipient and having a select number of prompts to work with, everyone will have a choice on which prompt they'd like to use. Everyone will have a chance to prompt any kind of fic they'd like to see come to life, and there will be more on this when prompting starts. Keep in mind, this is all ultimately your decision, and that real life is much more important than a fic fest. If you feel like you won't be able to commit to the fic you sign up for, then please think about the decision before making your final answer.

  • Every rating is allowed in this fest, from G to NC-17. We don't think there's a rating higher than NC-17, but we predict it would be one hell of a smut fic if it did exist.
  • Likewise, all genres are allowed in this fest, and experimenting is encouraged! Play with a genre you're unfamiliar with.
  • For the fics, we expect a minimum of 2,000 words so that the prompter will get something a little meaty to read. There is no maximum word count, but if you plan on creating a 300k monster of a fic, then we hope you're prepared on tackling that beast.
  • Please do not plagiarize another person's story. It'll be very obvious if you pick up a story and change some names around. Doing this will lead to a permanent ban from the fest in this and future activities.
  • Feel free to have a beta look over your fic. The prompts themselves will be anonymous until the reveal, so no one is going to know who is involved (unless they say they are. We don't have any control over that, but we promise it'll be more fun if we're all anonymous).


Prompting Starts: September 1, 2014
Prompting Ends: September 30, 2014
Claiming Starts: October 1, 2014
Check-in: November 19, 2014
Final Draft Due: December 27, 2014
Posting Begins: January 5, 2015
Posting Ends: January 12, 2015
Guess Who?: January 13, 2015
Reveals: January 15, 2015

(schedule is subject to change depending on the amount of participants)


For any questions or concerns, please direct them to one of the following: tweeting to @ablueblazer, emailing, asking, or private messaging ablueblazer. If you are not able to contact us through these, then feel free to leave a comment on this post. Please remember these are here to help you, and don't feel scared about asking for advice at any time throughout this fest.


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