buy a drink: claiming

Sep 20, 2014 00:12


Now that the prompting has been completed, it's now time for the real meat of ablueblazer: the prompt claiming! If you are unfamiliar with how this works, it's basically like a first come, first serve basis. Everyone has free choice over all of the prompts so far and are able to choose any of the prompts given, which they will then create a fic from. If this is your first time entering a fic fest, please don't feel intimidated! It's a very simple process and we will be here to provide answers and advice so your time here can run as smooth as possible! Now, shall we get this party started?

  • All of the prompts can be found on this spreadsheet. This is going to play a vital role in the fest because it'll show what's open and what is no longer available for claiming.
  • Claiming is going to run from now and last until the final due date on December 27th. The reason for this is because people have different writing schedules and some work better under pressure, while others work best with long periods of time. We want to give enough flexibility for everyone and this way, if someone is too heavy with deadlines at the moment, they can wait until they have enough free time to tackle on a prompt.
  • Everyone is allowed to claim a prompt! If you didn't prompt anything prior to this, it's okay! You are still free to participate in this fest and write as many fics as you want! Likewise, if you did send a prompt earlier, you are not required to write a fic for this fest.
  • On the subject of writing multiple fic, we are going to operate where participants can only claim one prompt at a time. When they are finished with their current prompt, they can return and claim a new prompt. The reason for this is so a lot more prompts are open and so that everyone gets a chance at the prompt they want.
  • With that said, we are giving everyone the choice of leaving their prompts open or claiming them for themselves. This choice is given to the first claimer for each prompt (basically, if the first person for a prompt says they want to keep it open, then that prompt will stay available for the rest of the fest). Prompts that are available indefnitely will be colored blue on the spreadsheet, and prompts that aren't will be striked through.
  • If at any point in the fest, you feel like you won't be able to fulfill a prompt, you can e-mail us that you don't want to complete the prompt, and we'll make the prompt free again on the spreadsheet.
  • If you don't have an LJ account to post below, please fill out the form and post it on anonymous. We will make sure that anyone not using an LJ will still have the freedom to join this fest.
  • When you are filling out your prompts, please take note of the third and fourth columns! The third column is special little bonuses that the prompter would like in their fic. You don't necessarily have to fill these out, but they would make the fic that much more enjoyable for the prompter The fourth column is your prompter's do not wants! These you have to make sure NOT to include in the final draft of your fic.
  • If you are able to finish a fic before the final deadline, please feel free to e-mail and we will give you the format for sending in your fic!
  • Have fun!


I.D: Please enter the username you'll be using for this fest. If you aren't using a Livejournal in this fest, then please enter the username and the alternate website you'd like to go by. We'll list your username here and link to your website during reveals (for example: johnsmith@tumblr, janedoe@ao3, anony@asianfanfics).

E-MAIL: Please enter an e-mail that you have regular access to so in case anything does happen, we'll be able to contact you immediately. Most communication during this fest will happen via e-mail, so please pick one you can respond from easily.

ALTERNATE CONTACT: Please enter an alternate form of contact that we can reach you in case something does happen and we aren't able to reach you from your e-mail. It can be a twitter, a tumblr, or any social website that you have regular access to.

SHARING: Enter Yes or No if you would like to allow other people to try a hand at the prompt you claim. The choice is completely up to you and either answer is perfectly fine.

DRINK #1: From the spreadsheet, enter the prompt you would like to write the most! This is your star prompt and hopefully the one you've had your eyes on from the beginning. Please pick a prompt you think can spark the most creativity out of you!

DRINK #2: In case your choice for number one doesn't work out, then this will be your backup! While we all hope we get our first choice, maybe someone else has their eyes on it, so please pick a prompt that you would still love to write!

DRINK #3: We don't think is going to happen, but in the off chance that your first two choices are taken, please pick a prompt that is just as good as the first two and will still bring out an amazing fic!


DRINK #1: #
DRINK #2: #
DRINK #3: #


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