Apr 25, 2013 18:37
Greetings, Gentle Readers (all n-1 of you)!
Well, after taking the plunge and actually submitting a manuscript to publisher, that publisher has now gotten back to me.
The publisher said "No, thank you." This response was fully expected by Yours Truly, as that is what publishers say to most of what comes through the door; that's just how the game is played.
However, the editor who was tasked with looking at the MS was most generous and sent back three pages of excellent comments, expanding the rejection to "No thank you, and here's why."
None of the problems are insurmountable, so rewriting won't be a problem; the story itself can remain essentially the same. At the same time, the publisher has asked that I not resubmit it; it really isn't what this particular publisher is looking for.
So now begins the task of fixing the problems and seeing if I can interest somebody else in this little space adventure...