Jan 29, 2006 20:12
We need to find balance in this household. Balance between Stefan's needs and Niels'. Balance between my need for awake time without Niels and my need for extra sleep these days, well, extra time in bed anyway. Balance between my need to recover from the birth and my need to get out of the house occasionally.
I'm starting to really want to be out and doing things. Ronnie cautioned that I shouldn't take Stefan in public until about two weeks. I guess I've already violated that but I haven't taken him anywhere that he'd be touched a lot or anything. Today we went to the market. A couple of the sellers that we go to regularly were surprised to see me with a baby since two weeks ago I was there pregnant. I guess they didn't realize I was so close.
Tomorrow I think my friend Alane was going to take Niels to play with her daughter in the afternoon. I think he really needs that. Niels is acting like he feels cooped up too. The staying inside all day and the excessive TV we're letting him watch are really not helping his attitude and that, in turn, doesn't help my lack of patience. Much yelling. Bad mama. Yoko, Trip and their kids are still sick but we're hoping that everyone will be better by Wednesday and Niels and Anna can play together. He hasn't been seeing many other kids aside from his preschool days.
I need to start getting out and running errands. We all need to go to the chiropractor, which I'm hoping to do on Tuesday. Stefan needs to see our family doctor this week, hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday. Friday morning one of my co-leaders asked me to come be a demonstration for a breastfeeding class she's teaching at Stanford. Unfortunately, it starts at 8am. She said I didn't have to be there by 8 since she'd lecture first but we haven't been getting out of bed until 9 or 10 these days! I want to help her out, though.
I'm feeling somewhat confident that I will be able to cope once Erik goes back to work. I let him sleep in this morning since Stefan was awake anyway and I couldn't go back to sleep. I felt reasonably able to get breakfast made for Niels and me while carrying Stefan in the sling. I was able to put him in the bassinet while I ate but he is definitely much less tolerant of the bassinet than he used to be.
Maybe I can do this mother of two thing after all!