english majors are the bane of my exsitence

Jul 12, 2005 17:24

note: i hade to look up the word bane in dictionary dot com to make sure i was spelling it right. point further proved.

they aren't really. and this wasn't inspired by alicia's bout of engasms, so take no offense. but as a THEATRE major i must express my EXTREME fed-upness with everyone always going on about what a literary genius Shakespeare was. dude wrote plays. plays are to be PERFORMED not discussed at no ends length about the wording (which is how everyone talked back in the day) and the rhythm (which maybe he was trying to be artsy, maybe he was just a little anal retentive, who's to say) and imagery (which is there because they didn't have SETS back in the day, so the live audience watching the performance had to be given clues as to where the fuck the people on stage were pretending to be)and etc etc etc. genius, maybe. or maybe he was just an honest guy who found creative ways to talk about universal issues people face and thus his plays have survived to entertain people for so long. but all you literary psychos out there, just take your thoreau and hemingway and be content with that, and leave Billy where he belongs, with his fellow writer/director/performers.

note: not that there is anything wrong with english majors, literary geniuses, thoreau, hemingway, or books in general. but i don't like people who sit there and dissect plays or who don't distinguish between written art and performative art that happens to be written down so actors can learn their lines and plays can be produced by different people and different times.

besides, shakespeare wasn't the only playwright with any literary value. why don't they teach miller or wilson or williams or beckett in 'literature classes'. cus oh shakespeare, he's so great. thats like saying your role model is jesus or your life's ambition is to be happy. well duh, no kidding.

note: not that there's anything wrong with jesus or being happy.

studying for psych has fried my brain. i'm about to go play peek-a-boo with some 6 month old pigeons and see if they guess where sally hid the ball.
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