All the entries have something with "boy" in them. :]

Feb 06, 2008 19:33

Disregard the beginning part of my last entry.
'Cause it turned out that it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding,
All is good. No, it's great. Life is great.

I feel really free right now,
It's sorta suprising, but I like it.

No drama with any friends, No not feeling distant with anyone, I feel content with just about everyone.
I think my dad woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, more specific the past week, he's been on my case just a little bit about little things, but then he's always realized it &; apologized a few minutes later, so it's not that bad. And my mom has been just as free as me lately, it's quite suprising, but again, I'm content with it. We're actually going to go watch 27 dresses together this weekend &; have a little mother daughter day, we haven't had that in forever - I neglect my parents sometimes. Especially recently, been busy with work [which has been pretty fun lately], school [which is going okay - senioritis is getting the best of me day by day, but hey.], and friends. But they still love me, they understand everything, and I love them, and I understand them. It's great.

Mmm, as for boys. Feelin' free. Single , not wanting to Mingle. Fo'real.
I had a little encounter with boy today as I was biking, and I'm pretty sure I'm closing up on him. Not that it's a bad thing, cause it's not.  I can finally feel that things are actually heading where they are supposed to, and I think I'm done hoping / somewhat waiting / tempting him - bahaha. Suprisingly i'm taking it quite well. I don't know about him , but I can just tell this is right. "The Perhaps said it all .." I plan on telling him this feeling of free-ness &; rightness in about two weeks, why I'm waiting that long is for two things - to make sure this is a permanent feeling &; because in two weeks is probably the last time we'll really hang out outside of school.. thanks youth group for switching days. :]

As for youthgroup, I really wish sometimes that I could be well , more "Godly" i guess. Like not crazy, all out, give my life to the lord thing, just like .. more aware of myself &; my religion. I can't say i'm catholic, yet I read once a month at the Catholic church. I can't say i'm presbyterian, yet I go to there youth group every Sunday. I'm feelin' pretty non-denominational , yet I feel like I wanna be offical in something. I see God changing so many lives everyday. Not that he's not changing mine - I believe in him, I talk to him, &; I pray when I need to pray - I guess in esscense that's enough , but to me I feel like I can be more. I get so inspired by seeing these people wearing purity rings , or giving themselves up - yet I can't see myself doing it. I feel like if I do it, i'm doing it to follow a trend - it's not a bad one, but I know it's not me. Lalalala, oh well. He's watching over me, and I guess that's all that matters. :]

Yayyy for this weekend.

Time to stop procrastinating.
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