artwork, printer, work

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  • Picture Pages, The Cell Phone Edition

    aadroma Nov 10, 2009 23:24

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    steakhouse, artwork, work, bears

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  • Flickr'ing...

    aadroma Sep 17, 2008 22:51

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    photos, artwork, flickr, benton harbor

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  • Galleries

    aadroma Jul 13, 2008 23:38

    Outside of the LJ upload space that I've been using for years, does anyone have suggestions as to where I can port a new version of my gallery? I was thinking deviantART but ... hey, I'm open to suggestions.

    Thanks guys!

    EDIT: Okay, is there something that might accept more "questionable" works of art (gay themes, etc.)?

    artwork, gallery

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  • Hey Atlantites! ... Atlantans? ... people from Atlanta, awright??

    aadroma Jan 13, 2008 16:52

    So, the whole "let's do an international trip once a year" idea, at least for 2008, is out of the question. I'm not sure how we would afford to go to where we wanted to go this year (Germany ( Read more... )

    artwork, trips, atlanta

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