Picture Pages, The Cell Phone Edition

Nov 10, 2009 23:24

From an old vintage beer ad hanging up in Alexander's Steakhouse in Peoria. Though this sun carticature is presumably getting irate with a man off-frame drinking a beer, upon first glance I asked Carl: "What's up with the sun? Did it have a stroke???" ^^;;;

My work has such high standards. The towel dispenser in the men's bathroom broke, so rather than replace the unit, they took the whole thing out and then balanced a giant roll of paper towels first on the partition between the urinal and the sink, and then in the hole where the dispenser used to be. When neither of these seemed satisfactory enough, someone took a coathanger and rigged it to hang the towels roughly where the dispenser was. wow.

I've been emptying pics off of my (very crappy) cell phone, and one was this, from the Peoria airport in April. I was waiting for my flight to Chicago (to get to Toronto) and this cute hefty bearded daddybearish gent was reading, waiting for his flight. I suck at being a photo ninja, and the equipment's obviously not up to snuff either ;_;

steakhouse, artwork, work, bears

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