The Night That Was

Jan 08, 2009 23:28

Last night's low point, certainly, was making multiple wrong turns downtown thinking I could get to the bus terminal from my friend Davd's hotel, and finding myself in the projects. I suppose it's good that, with the beard and the coat, I look just plain homeless so I was left alone. Plus, really, who but stupid people are out when it's 15 degrees outside? Because of the multiple wrong turns, by the time I DID get to the bus stop, I had JUST missd all the buses on their last run out from downtown. Fuck. I had to call for a cab and overdraw my card. Again. -_-

But much more fun was the time beforehand, where Carl, David and I went out for pizza and talked about everything under the sun. David is interesting; formerly a married Luthern clergyman with kids, he's now an out gay man who converted to Judaism. He told Carl about his conversion -- right to the hatafat dam brit, which in orthodox and conservative conversions is a pinprick to the penis for a single drop of blood in lieu of circumcision. As David talked about the surreality of his junk being in his rabbi's hands, Carl's eyes just got huge. You could tell from his look that he had to have been thinking something like, "What the fuck kind of crazyass cult are you people INVOLVED in?! Blood from a penis -- what the fuck?!?!" :: laugh ::

friends, citylink, peoria, יהודי, lost

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