Step By Step: Lapbanding

Jan 06, 2009 13:55

Yesterday was the first seminar for Carl's future lapbanding surgery.

I'll admit, I'd very much prefer that surgery wouldn't have to be done, at all. Having lost a friend to weight loss surgery makes me immediately wary, and yesterday's "support' were people who had all sorts of weight loss surgeries, yet none had the lapbanding currently, and two had the lapbands removed due to complications -- not putting my mind at ease at all. Also the "high divorce rate" post-surgery? Oy.

I like big men -- I do -- but I also don't want Carl to drop dead, and seeing him in the hospital at least once a year? Seriously, it's losing its novelty. Even when Carl was about 320 when we were first dating he was at least active and we used to dance and everything. But now that he's close to 400, he's rather sedentary and his health problems are worsening. The weight needs to come off period, and if this is the way it has to be done? It's jus something I need to accept.

Our goal is to get him somewhere between 220 and 250. I did get some comfort from hearing that it would be possible for Carl to maintain his muscle mass while losing his weight (many guys I've seen after weight loss surgery have totally atrophied to the point where 50 pounds is too much to lift). I told the lady giving the seminar my fears, and she found it unusually refreshing to have someone say, "Yeah, I like 'em big," since apparently there's still a stigma into even admitting that.

I'd been soliciting experiences from people who've had a lapband, so I know what to expect.

chubs, carl, peoria, lapband

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