Nightly walk...

Aug 22, 2008 07:51

 Yup, I made it out to Williams Mill ofr our evening walk.  but this time I met up a fellow cacher GeoKnitFit.  She and Her Pup GeoDogSammy joined us around the park.  Foster and Sammy didn't get along too well at first (foster was the one with issues), but after walking the park together, Foster warmed up to him just fine - Sharing water and everything.

I put a coin in the only cache she had not completed so she would have a nice little parting gift.  It was a great workout and nice fun visit.  Foster had fun and so did I.

When I got home a little after 8:00, I actually took the time to schedule a roof inspection by my Insurance company.  I have been putting this off for quite some time.  I just don't want to dip into my savings for this repair, but I realize it is something I have to do.  I haven't bought the materials for the Door downstairs yet.  Lucy is moving around really well and there isn't as big a rush as there had been.  I'm just trying to juggle so much at one time and I am exhausted.

I can't wait till this WRC is over.

roof, exercising

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