Why? ...

Dec 22, 2008 19:47

When I read news reports on the death of someone like Jennifer Gale of Austin Tx. I am like a young child who asks "why the sky is blue?". Why should such a thing happen? After all, there are homeless shelters and other agencies that are supposed to help the homeless and prevent things like this from happening. But there is an inconvenient truth here, for Jennifer was Transgender. A Male to Female trans person she didn't fit in to the type that the typical shelter would take in. After all, "we can't put her in a shelter for women can we?" and she would not have felt safe in a men's shelter. And so she died on the steps of an Austin Tx. church from exposure. Perhaps it is time that we all stop to think what the cost in human life is of our strictly binary system in terms of gender. Surely there is some measure that we can take to prevent a repeat of this. On the night before she died, she sang "Silent Night" for the Austin City council. And on the next night, her own "Silent Night" proved fatal. Rest in Peace Jennifer - for you will be remembered. On TDOR 2009 at MCCGSL your name will be among those read who have died because of who they were.


transgender, life

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