gotham craigslist > missed connections > the Bat?

Aug 29, 2008 12:02

I know I'm going to get a veritable stream of loonies, nutjobs, and general wackos, and I can promise you that I'll post the best replies here on the forums. (Hey, if I have to suffer through this, I might as well get a laugh.)

I have been 'asked' to look for the Batman to ask him a few questions:
-- what his 'modus operandi' is.
-- why he does what he does.
-- who are his suppliers.
-- whatever else he cares to share.

What I have no interest in:
-- who he is.

I have to ask, but I don't expect much in the way of results. If the Bat intends to (somehow) trace this, stop by my office and threaten me, I wouldn't be too upset. Hell, I'm used to company coming in that way. (The lock on the far left window is your best bet.)

If you'd rather email, that'd be nice and easier on my blood pressure. There's a convenient little anonymous email address attached to this post.

THERE. I did it. You happy? Can't say I didn't try.

[craigslist], thimblerig

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