Wow! 5 months is a long time

May 05, 2011 13:42

I can't believe I haven't posted in 5 months. Well, in a way I can. The past five months are always my busiest for work so I guess it makes sense. But the busiest time is behind me now and I can finally concentrate on getting a life again. Bullet point (dashes) update ahead -

- I got a new car! A Ford Fusion Hybrid and I love it. Absolutely love it! Way more than I liked my Audi. It doesn't handle quite as nicely as the Audi (still handles well though), but that is to be expected. It does surpass the Audi in pretty much all other areas though. The best part is that I filled up on gas a month ago and I still have a quarter of a tank left. My tank is the same size as my Audi's was and back then I needed to get gas every 11-12 days, so this is a major improvement.

- I started doing Stampin' Up classes with masheek2 (who is a pro and has been going for a long time) and I'm finding it really awesome to be crafty sometimes. Now I just need to get myself into being crafty at home as well. It's really relaxing.

- I've been baking a lot more now that I have my own kitchen which makes me super happy. I keep bringing in new things to the office because I don't want to eat everything myself. People here are quite pleased with the arrangement.

- With my new car, I have a 6 month trial of Sirius satellite radio and I found this radio show on Cosmo Radio called Cocktails with Patrick that I'm totally in love with now. I wish I could listen online without having to pay for it (because I think it's stupid that you're already paying $15 a month (and it's NOT commercial free) and now they want another $3 a month to listen online - I don't think so!) or you could download the show each day from the Sirius website because it's on from 3-6pm east cost time and that just doesn't work for me on the west coast. The have some replays (but they only replay 2 of the 3 hours) so I'm sometimes able to catch part of the show but I'm never in the car for all three hours and I would love to listen to the whole thing every day. Does anyone else listen to this show? It's awesome! I'd totally pay for Sirius if they offered a way for me to download this show each day, but since they don't, I won't. They should make it more like BBC Radio where the episodes of shows are available for a few days for download.

- masheek2 and I are slowly working our way through a list of LA area restaurants that we've been wanting to try. There are so many restaurants here that you could probably eat at a new one every day for years and never repeat.

- I leave for my annual two week vacation in about 3 weeks. I'm going to South Dakota (Badlands and Mt. Rushmore National Parks), Wyoming (Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks) and Colorado (mountains!!!!) I've never been to this area of the country but I'm excited to see it. I believe that next year's trip will be Italy. It's time to go back overseas.

- Comic-Con is just around the corner as well. That is always a highlight of my year. This year crazyjay is joining angel_q and me again. We're happy to have her back!

- There are probably other things to report on but this seems like a good amount of updates. I've been making time to read my friendslist so that I can keep up with what is happening, but I haven't always had time to comment on everything. I am reading though!
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