Life changes - I moved!

Nov 05, 2012 12:39

So friends, it's been a minute!

I've been busy traveling and most recently moving out of Los Angeles. As of November 1st, I'm officially a resident of Colorado. (Too bad it wasn't earlier so that I could vote here! Instead, I voted early in CA.) Anyway, after 10 years in LA, I decided it was time for a change. The lifestyle I want will never come to pass in LA because it's just too expensive. I really want to own property and it just won't happen there. So now I'm living close to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and it's great so far. Traffic is laughable here! I can drive 15 miles in 20 minutes instead of 8 miles in an hour. It's fantastic. I just hope I can find a job that I like out here. I'm being really picky which might have to change if I can't find anything.

The best thing is that I can finally start volunteering! I've been wanting to volunteer for years but never had time due to my job. Now I'm looking into various places and hoping to get something set up so that I can give back to people. I wish I was independently wealthy. I'd just volunteer every day of the week.

I've been checking off states I've visited this summer. I'm going to drive home for Thanksgiving and visit another three states in the process. I'm trying to get to all 50 and after this trip, I'll only have 10 left. I only count it as visited if I spend the night in the state and do something touristy. I need to actually do something in the state to count it as having been visited. I can't just drive through it. But with only 10 left, it's totally possible to get to all of them. I'm sure Alaska will be the last one I check off, but it's the one I'm most excited about. I will probably take a cruise up the coast and the train back down. I need to get up there before global warming completely changes the environment there.

Hope everyone is doing well. Time to call the movers to find out when my stuff is arriving!
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