My move is complete!

Dec 01, 2010 09:20

First of all - if you got an email from my yahoo address, it wasn't from me. Tons of my friends have been getting hacked and I think one of the messages I have been receiving must have finally gotten access to my address book. So just delete it and move on. Thanks! lol I'm not sure if this has anything to do with getting cable internet yesterday (I've always had DSL before) but who knows? Maybe I just need to transition to gmail for good as it seems that yahoo is the server constantly getting hacked because my friends with yahoo addresses are the ones who have been spamming me. Maybe it's time to contact yahoo to see what they have to say. My password is just random numbers and letters so it's not like it's something easy to hack.

But I finished moving yesterday. Now I just need to unpack a million boxes. It feels good to be in a new place and to have that moving process behind me. I'll have the month of December to get things situated before having my first guest in my new place. I'm going to leave a lot of stuff in boxes though in anticipation of another move next year. I gave away so much stuff to Goodwill and Salvation Army. Plus, I threw out just as much as I donated. I think I probably got rid of at least 35% of my stuff. Kind of feels nice though. Liberating in a strange way!

Anyway, I'm back at work now and am looking forward to the weekend when I'll actually have time to make a dent in unpacking. Plus, Target calls my name. I need a step ladder in the worst way. I can't open my living room window because the second lock is too high and I can't reach it! ha! Oh the joys of being short. ;)
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