Apr 05, 2008 09:37
So, I've been doing some fanfic reading lately (a lot of Buffy, actually), and I have a question. Does "shook his/her head" signify agreement or disagreement to you? I always thought that "shook" indicated a side-to-side motion, therefore meaning no, and that "nod" indicated an up-and-down motion, meaning yes. But I have noticed that in many of these fics I've been reading "shook" is used to signify a yes. It's bothering me, but then I thought maybe I am alone in my thinking. What do you think?
Oh -- and if you watch FNL -- are you happy that we (likely) get another season, even if it starts in 2009? I know that season 2 was not as awesome for me as season 1, but I totally thought it would be dead, and I'm pretty glad it's not. I'm thinking the writer's strike and the lack of a pilot season are to thank. And now, I can watch the season finale with the idea that it isn't the series finale. I needed to wait to know what mindset I would need for it. And now, the cliffhanger might actually get addressed again, yes? I think that's for the good.